
In an uncertain place (Destiny)

by Cody Miller @, Music of the Spheres - Never Forgot, Monday, February 23, 2015, 10:19 (3356 days ago)

This is not a spot you want your players to be in. My situation:

I have a lot of guns that I want to experiment with, however doing so means leveling them to get to the interesting perks. Many of those are exotics.

1. Leveling up guns is boring, and time consuming.
2. I do not know if House of Wolves will nullify the exp I put into the exotics like Dark Below did. So why not just do it when that comes out?
3. I don't NEED to level any of these guns up, as I already have everything I need to do all the content.

Therefore, I am in a place where I don't actually want to play the game anymore (aside from nightfalls and Crota Flawless). I'm sure a lot of players feel the same way.

I quick word soon from Bungie about how exotic upgrading will work in House of Wolves would be appreciated. If no word, then I will by default not waste my time under the assumption it will be invalidated later.

The problem is solved in Destiny 2 if gun upgrades and attack values are eliminated. At the very least Bungie should moving forward adopt a policy when DLC does not set anybody back.

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