
Y'know what I'm looking forward to?

by Cody Miller @, Music of the Spheres - Never Forgot, Wednesday, February 13, 2013, 10:47 (4125 days ago) @ Captain Spark

It will be fun being involved when this new universe unfolds. I was a year late getting Halo and I never played any of Bungie's previous games. This should be fun.

Maybe you should play some of their older games. I can at least guarantee you they will be good, while Destiny will be a gamble.

0. Operation Desert Storm - crap
1. Pathways in Darkness - good
2. Marathon - Fantastic
3. Marathon 2 - Extra Fantastic
4. Marathon Infinity - Extra Fantastic
5. Myth - great
6. Abuse - good
7. Weekend Warrior - crap
8. Myth 2 - great
9 Oni - good / great somewhere in between

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