
Bingle's trolling the Xur data miners. (Destiny)

by Funkmon @, Thursday, March 12, 2015, 19:47 (3339 days ago)

People on Reddit has been datamining Xur, and have detailed their method in the past to predict Xur's stuff. So, Bungie changed how they do it. It was outlined in this Reddit thread.


Quote, from WMUKirk on Reddit:

"They changed the packets to do the following. If I had to take a guess they changed the data controller to do the same. I posted this in the last xur thread.
I tried to data-mine today and bungie has implemented a lot of changes. Instead of Xur having one single constant IP on one port, he now has multiple. If you join a tower instance and you're the only one there, Xur will have 16 different IP address. If you join and its 8 other people, Xur will have 9 different ones. Only one of the possible IP's you connect to will share the packet information you need. The others will include self-input data like controller movement, date & time, and other player constants.
To combat this I used zone alarm on each IP separately until I isolated the one that sends the packets for weapons. This took considerably longer than I thought because each unique IP only sends packets for a 45 second window and then they stop for 100ms, and then restart. This made it hard to decipher the hex code and decide if there were any patterns.
Finally, once I managed to isolate the IP, find the pattern, and looped it. Every 22 packets started with the same 8b Hex. Bungie had literally broadcasted every thing as a No Land Beyond. This is what I found(obviously a troll), but yeah:
No Land Beyond 999 Attack Kinectic Damage
No Land Beyond 488 Defense Warlock Chest Piece
No Land Beyond 366 Defense Hunter Gauntlets
No Land Beyond 447 Defense Titan Helmet
Bungie has employed 8 servers from their network, and 8 from Activision. They've employed a fail safe on 15/16. They constantly shuffle ports and IP's that lead to nothing. The one IP that does lead to anything has the name No Land Beyond for every weapon, armor, and upgrade."

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