
Siloing (Destiny)

by Beorn @, <End of Failed Timeline>, Monday, March 16, 2015, 15:37 (3351 days ago) @ TheeChaos

what is your biggest gripe? or did I just not understand you

I very much dislike that my characters are not accessible from both platforms. Xbox and PlayStation are siloed into their own universes, so the time and energy I devote to leveling and playing my Xbox characters doesn't transfer over to PlayStation (or vice versa). This was rather painful when my PS4 friends and I wanted to raid, but I was still leveling my character (despite having multiple 30+ characters on Xbox).

Since everything is linked through Bungie.net anyway, I can only assume that the reason for this platform family siloing is that Sony/Microsoft have contractual requirements that disallow profile sharing across platforms. We most certainly saw this issue coming a year ahead of launch, and I'm glad that at least same-familiy sharing is available (i.e., 360-XB1, PS3-PS4). The obvious comment is, "What about such-and-such exclusive?," but Bungie engineers are clever and I think there are ways around that particular issue. I sincerely doubt that exclusives are the root cause of the problem…

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