
I would love a kinect golf application. (Destiny)

by Funkmon @, Wednesday, March 18, 2015, 20:41 (3363 days ago) @ bluerunner

I was on vacation and went to a place on a golf course in Myrtle Beach, where they had PGA pros available to teach you how to golf, complimentary. They set up cameras that recorded at 60 FPS and showed you your swing from different angles, then told you how to change it, and worked with you during the trip. My handicap went down 15 strokes, so now it's at like 145 over par.

It would be amazing if there was an Xbox app that used the Kinect and a large room to tell you if your golf swing is any good. I'd use that all the time.

Could you imagine the laugh value alone? Where nice, middle aged fathers accidentally chuck a 5 iron through their new Zenith and ruin their kids' weekends? I'd be so happy.

Also, top of the line cameo from Cody. The more things change, the more they stay the same.

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