
Exotic Hand Cannon Concept: Magic Bullet (Destiny)

by iconicbanana, C2-H5-OH + NAD, Portland, OR, Thursday, March 19, 2015, 21:20 (3473 days ago)
edited by iconicbanana, Thursday, March 19, 2015, 21:25

This one could use some tinkering, but I think something skill-intensive like it would be fun.

11 Shot Mag
Typical Reload
RoF: Sloooow
Kinetic Damage

Innate: Easy Math – Each landed bullet adds a x2 damage multiplier. Crits do x4 multiplier.

Tier 1:
Who’s Next

Tier 2 Options:
High Caliber Rounds
Send It
Perfect Balance

Tier 3:

Explication: This one’s a little different. The Key perk is innate here. Easy Math is kind of the whole point of the gun (kind of like Icebreaker with Ammo regen); chaining hits is the only way to actually kill anyone, and missing shots punishes. The rewards are for consecutive hits (not crits).

In crucible, the first bullet would do 10 damage; the next consecutive hit would do 20 damage; the third, 40 damage; and the fourth would cap at 80 damage. Each consecutive hit thereafter would do 80 damage. With headshots, the first hit jumps to 40; a second crit does 80.

Three headshots would still kill in crucible; after enough consecutive hits, 3 body shots would kill. Multiplier resets on reload, and the multiplier only expires with a miss, not over time. With 11 rounds, the best a player could do with a clip is 3 kills.

In PvE, base damage would adjust to scale of level; the first crit would do %50 of a thrall/dreg/goblins’ hitpoints, with each consecutive crit doing %150. Non crits would scale %25, %50, %100, %150. It would hit like a fatebringer, provided you can land crits.

And it would look like John McClane’s M1911.

(She's a work in progress. Maybe in PvE Body Shots max at %75? That works better. And Body shots in crucible max at 60?)

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