
[Forum Game] Guess The Gun! (Destiny)

by Morpheus @, High Charity, Tuesday, April 14, 2015, 20:09 (3318 days ago)

I'm hoping we can keep this going--at least until June.

I think it would be fun to play a weapon guessing game here on the forum, and I'd like everybody to participate! It'll be a nice thing to come back to so we can test our Destiny weapon knowledge. Would you like to submit a gun to guess? Let's make some rules to prevent it from being too easy. These are the types of media that are acceptable forms of clues:

If I think of any more, I'll make sure to post them. Allright, let's get started!

Can anyone tell me what this gun is?


If you think you know the answer to someone's clue, reply to their post! Or leave one of your own if you like!

Guess the Gun, have some fun!!

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