
Tweaking current game types to be more objective-based? (Destiny)

by Durandal, Friday, May 01, 2015, 16:26 (3275 days ago) @ Blackt1g3r

I think there is some untapped potential for objective based games. The objectives are there to promote map movement and force player interaction.

I've played plenty of COD sniper deathmatch where both teams hide in brush, and the first team to move around is the one that usually loses. It becomes a contest of wills, and boredom.

It would be very interesting to have a Control type game where the objectives are random things like the Mass Effect 3 MP objectives. Every two minutes or so players get notified that there is an objective inbound and it could be any of the following:

1. Escort a drone from point A to point B. The drone moves faster the more players are near it, and shields players near by.

2. A dozen objects spawn about the map, and teams rush to "claim" them, adding bonuses to health, shield regen, etc as they rack up more.

3. Classic control point: teams must occupy a area and rack up points/player/second in the uncontested zone.

5. Bomb Squad: bombs spawn all over the map, players must disarm some to make a safe space, or rearm one's in enemy territory. After a set time all bombs explode killing any players in the area.

6: Retrieval: A item appears somewhere on the map, a player must pick it up and bring it back to the home spawn, but can't run or double jump or they will drop it. They can still shoot/melee and do bonus damage. After the first item is retrieved another will spawn up to 3 times.

I would also like to see a game type where each side spawns with Kabr's relic and Crota's sword, and the goal is to get sword kills. The team with the most sword kills at the end wins. Obviously the teamwork would entail using the shield's protective sphere to prevent the other team from sniping out your sword bearer.

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