I love language (Off-Topic)

by naturl selexion, Tuesday, May 12, 2015, 02:05 (3280 days ago) @ Robot Chickens

False dichotomy. Words and meanings are socially negotiated. While there may indeed be expressive vs technical language, you cannot make the claim of being more precise.

I don't think I said I was more precise, but I guess that is what I meant. Nor did I say that there were only two ways to communicate. I said "more emotional" or "more technical" - lots of room between the extremes. Sure, I guess you could find the mid point then declare that there are only two sides. Like saying that some people are more short and some are more tall. We know that the world consists of more than just short or tall people.

As you noted there is "technical" language, where words have very defined meanings. Law, medicine and science are good examples. My initial response was regarding something technical in nature so to say "several" where only "two" was correct prompted me to make a clarification/correction. In this case I will claim to be more precise.

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