
Well, For Me... (Destiny)

by MacAddictXIV @, Seattle WA, Thursday, May 21, 2015, 15:39 (3271 days ago) @ Speedracer513

Personally, when a sniper has STL, I think it's a waste of ammo. 6 shots max, up to 25, and you're using (likely more than) one to shoot for ammo? That is too costly in my opinion. I think Scout Rifles are the way to go for something like that. I've never seen it on a Pulse Rifle, but I think that would also be a better fit.

I think one sniper bullet for a purple box of Gjallarhorn rockets is more-than-fair trade.

Not to mention there was a point where some guys and I were running PoE-32 and we were bunkered down with the boss outside our door. I would have given my left arm for STL because we were all running out of ammo. Instead I had to risk my life to bolt outside to grab some.

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