Difficulty Levels 1-7

by Cold, Wednesday, April 24, 2013, 13:18 (4040 days ago) @ Cody Miller

We're having a breakdown in communication somewhere and it's likely because I haven't laid out an exact model of each difficulty level. (This is not some plan I've had for weeks, this is just something that's floating around in my head. Never the less, the confusion is likely my doing.)

Level 4 difficulty (or 3, or 5 ...this number is irrelevant at this point. Just know that at some point in the progression of difficulties there should be a wall that you cannot get over unless you've experienced a lesser difficulty) should seem impossible, and should be all but impossible; however, you are welcome to try your hand at it from the start.

You seem to not factor in the effect that evolving mechanics will have.

You start up your game, you select the difficulty that befits you and you play the game. Upon finishing the game, you realize that the next level of difficulty is now easier. Heck maybe you even have the ability (and yes, gear) to skip the next level of difficulty and go straight to the next iteration. The bottom line and the crucial point is that no matter which difficulty level you play next, it will be a different experience than the one you've just had because of the additional mechanics.

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