Keys (Destiny)

by Earendil, Friday, May 22, 2015, 17:49 (3270 days ago) @ Durandal

Also the gear isn't that impressive. The level 28 run netted me a legendary, and the 32 an armor core. I can't seem to get keys to drop from the patrol wolves so I haven't yet opened a big chest. So basically I have a vendor gun and an armor core to show for all that work.

Did you get a key for completing the story? Or have you not completed the story yet?
The big chest appears to net you an exotic gun the first time you open it, regardless of the level, so it's generally worth it if you can. My first time at 28 I pulled a truth, a friend pulled his first jellyhorn ("I got a Gjallarhorn! I can quit Destiny now!"). After that (32 and 34) I've only pulled legendaries from the big chest, but I've always pulled at least one.

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