
ToO Drop rates. (Destiny)

by Kahzgul, Saturday, May 23, 2015, 15:05 (3258 days ago) @ unoudid

We played 11 total matches, going 0-3, 0-3, 2-3, and I got one chest and the Prince Sigil emblem. One of my teammates got 1 set of boots, and the third teammate got nothin'.

I'm really surprised at how good our opponents were. My style of crucible play does not translate well to ToO, either, since I usually go for max points / suicide runs, barely ekeing out a 1.2 K/D in most games. Ironically, when I changed from Gunslinger to Bladedancer we started winning more games. The best was back to back matches that ended in 15 seconds each. Match one, each person on my team fired exactly 1 shot for 3 total kills, nearly simultaneously. It was spectacular. Match two, I rolled in with my shotgun and cleared out the whole team 1 by 1. I was as surprised as they were!

Of note: Warlocks are BS. Self-ressing when the whole team is dead should not be allowed. Self-res when only 1 or 2 are dead, sure, but once the third body hits the floor, the match should end. Especially if the guy self-ressing isn't the guy who died last. Such enormous BS.

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