
Trials of Osiris and Iron Banner (Destiny)

by slycrel ⌂, Saturday, May 23, 2015, 23:11 (3260 days ago) @ Chewbaccawakka

Ottermack and laidcleric needed a seat filled and generously invited me along today for my first few ToO games. For the most part our team (okay, ottermack) laid the smack down and things went very well, seemed almost easy. However, there was one game where we were put on the defensive, against a team that was very well coordinated and relatively unpredictable. They shut us down, in different ways, over and over. It was pretty brutal.

My takeaway though was that nothing but ourselves were to blame. They had great skill, a good team, good execution, and (presumably) good communication. They beat us fair and square, and it wasn't much of a contest. I don't feel bad about losing a round to them, they deserved the win.

I'm not a huge PvPer, but I have to say, ToO was quite refreshing. It's much less about killing as many people as possible in the shortest amount of time (before you die). It's much more counter-strike-ish. If you're godly at PvP, like ottermack, you can set the tone and direction of the match by being fast and kniwng what's up. But you can also just plain be a bit more careful and get more out of it as well. Make every bullet count as it were.

You get a little rush from that feeling of the outcome actually mattering. It's a whole new ballgame and I really approve, bungie did a great job on it.

Oh, and bring thorn. =)

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