Question regarding The Last Word (Destiny)

by Monochron, Thursday, May 28, 2015, 11:53 (3261 days ago) @ TheeChaos

Seems to be one of the "go to guns" in the crucible along with thorn and everything so I figured I would go ahead and max mine out. I havent got "THE LAST WORD" perk but how exactly does it work? Do you ALWAYS get extra damage and stability and then precision hip shots do more? or is that just for hip fire?

From what I read it seems like the extra stability and damage is always on.

Damage and Stability bonus is always on. I want to say it is like an increase to Impact and Stability for the fun.
You get additional bonus precision damage when firing from the hip. This means that head shots while not aiming down the sights does a ton of damage but, appropriately, it is usually hard to pull off these shots.

TLW is good for medium range but really shines in close range. Just hold down the trigger and you will rapid fire a guy to death very quickly. Do so without aiming down the sights and simultaneously hitting headshots and it will be even quicker.

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