
I think PVP has. (Destiny)

by Quirel, Friday, June 26, 2015, 16:55 (3241 days ago) @ Funkmon

Even though they do fewer per week, it seems like the hit rate on the big webcomics is way higher than in newspaper ones. I still pick up The Detroit News on Sundays and I am surprised at how bad the comics are every week.

I think the greatest barrier to entry is that newspaper comics have to appeal to an incredibly broad audience, which is why they they're so bland and boring. Webcomics have a narrower appeal, so they can afford to be topical. What percentage of the Detroit News's readership do you think will find CAD funny on a regular basis?

The other problem is that the funnies are aimed at kids. Webcomics are typically aimed at older audiences, so the humor will either miss or piss off the soccer moms.

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