Hard to Win IB playing against this (Destiny)

by Claude Errera @, Wednesday, July 01, 2015, 17:42 (3233 days ago) @ ChrisTheeCrappy

Zero, I and a few others played IB for a bit last night. Started off great, then went down hill quickly. It was almost as if none of my bullets counted. Then this type of stuff happened. I almost left (and my mic didn't work so I couldn't explain to Zero why I would be leaving). But I am unsure how I am supposed to play against these people and win? Is there even a reason to attempt? Or I am just missing something and I am at fault here?



You're not missing anything, I don't think. The first one is actually pretty common - there seems to be an instant of invulnerability when someone starts the blink animation. Your shotgun blast was a little off-center (you hit his back as he was passing), so rather than kill him, you brought him down to a sliver of health. The knife should have finished him - except for that blink invulnerability. The spin and fire manouver was actually beautiful - you gotta give him credit for that. :)

Bladedancing... is a crap shoot. Sometimes I see what you saw (lots of fire on the guy, as he passes you he's got full health again), sometimes he goes down just before he gets to me. I don't understand all the parts of the talent tree well enough to know when it's network shenanigans, and when it's just that my opponent is using his perks way better than I'm using my guns.

All that said, IB is ALWAYS laggier than regular crucible... and Day 1 is especially so. That's just what you deal with. :(

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