You're wrong and should feel bad (Destiny)

by someotherguy, Hertfordshire, England, Friday, July 03, 2015, 11:27 (3230 days ago) @ Funkmon

I run all three of those in PvP, depending on the Gametype.

Skullfort lets you Shoulder Charge to regain health, which is awesome. Transfusion does that too but now you can take Aftershocks as well and be the most annoying Titan on the Battlefield. Lightning Grenades that hit 5 times (I think?), Aftermath that hangs around for what feels like forever and Shoulder Charge healing. Perfect for Control and great for Clash too, though if you prefer Flashbangs stick with Armamentarium.

Apotheosis Veil is one of my two go-two Sunsinger Exotics, next to the Claws. Coupled with Radiant Skin it gives you 300% health, as long as you can duck into cover long enough to activate it. I love it for when Heavy Ammo shows up - it lets me hold onto my LMG longer- though you could argue the Ram is equally good for that purpose.

Lucky Raspberry is constant Arcbolts. Constant. Great for Skirmish, Trials, or almost anything else. Apart from Khepri's Sting there are no other Bladedancer PvP Exotics anyway. If you're not Stealth-knifing everyone, you might as well be Lucky Raspberry.

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