
Mah Axion Bloomah... (Destiny)

by CruelLEGACEY @, Toronto, Friday, July 03, 2015, 17:00 (3231 days ago) @ Korny

Last Trials:

Teammate: I can't believe some people run trials with a Voidwalker when Sunsinger is so much more tactically advantageous...

Me: Uhhhh...

*I proceed to dominate with Voidwalker*

Never underestimate the ease with which Axion Bolts mess with enemy strategies...

They're fantastic when it comes to map control because of the way they force the enemy to run away. I constantly use them to divide and conquer: If I see multiple enemies coming at me from different directions, I'll chuck Axion Bolts in 1 direction while I go engage the enemy in the other direction. They were particularly good during Trials of Osiris on Thieves' Den. I'd make the initial rush to the outside, ping someone once or twice to force them to go hide around the corner, then chuck an axion bold to chase them around the corner and finish them off.

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