Why not use a newer forum style.

by thebruce ⌂, Ontario, Canada, Thursday, February 14, 2013, 10:51 (4124 days ago) @ asklon

Just to note, I've used the Firefox Stylish plugin to make a couple esthetic customizations for myself, so far... including:

body { font-family:arial,sans-serif!important; }
#content p, #content ul, #content td { line-height:1.2em!important; }
ul.thread { margin-bottom:0.2em!important; }
div.posting { padding:7px!important; background:white!important; }

- Dropped the Verdana. It's a wide font, and I like packing things in :)
- As above, reduced the spacing between lines of text
- Removing the spacing between threads (back similar to the HBO appearance)
- Popped the comment block out from the light blue background; sometimes it's hard to tell the comment text from the rest of the page

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