
I traded my hand cannon for Universal Remote in IB (Destiny)

by Durandal, Saturday, July 04, 2015, 11:48 (3242 days ago)

It's a blast. Pretty much the only weapons i've seen this IB are Thorn, Red Death, and occasionally Last Word and Messenger (adept). Secondaries seem to be only Party Crasher or Fellwinters lie. It was boring, watching everyone use the same thing but my team was no exception, even if they only switched because they were sick of dying to the poison effect.

So I swapped out my Last Word for the Remote and commenced operation Sneaky BTRD. With the otherwise limited Kepri's sting giving me a kneel cloak with hungering blade, I would cloak, come in from odd angles and just appear in the midst of the other team.

Guys sniping B on Shores of Time? Hello shotgun to the face. I know you were in the middle of a wide open area, but OP Sneaky can't be denied.
Got the good spawn and only sent two to C on Rusted Lands? Should have looked down the stairs guys!

I may not get heavy ammo or come anywhere near a 10 kill streak, but man was it fun. More fun then sitting back and plinking away with thorn. Of course we had some competition get really ticked about those blasts to the face and I had two titans save their supers just for me in one match.

I wouldn't do this without a team backing me up, but this was pretty typical of the night: Boom!

I've got to get some streaming set up because you can't appreciate the surprise factor until you see it.

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