
I don't think the traveler cares about humanity (/-/ Rampant Speculation /-/)

by Cody Miller @, Music of the Spheres - Never Forgot, Thursday, July 16, 2015, 14:27 (3214 days ago)

I've never seen this discussed before, but in the Human Fragment 1 grimoire card, commander hardy talks about the Traveler being active on Jupiter, Mercury, Venus, and then now they are going to meet it on Mars. He wonders what will happen if it goes to Earth.

But if the Traveler went to Mercury and Venus from Jupiter, then to Mars, that means it purposely skipped over Earth! If it wanted to help us, why would it pass us by purposely? Something doesn't add up. Also Brother Vance says in game that the Speaker is a charlatan, so Osiris must know the real deal.

I think it's pretty obvious, but not that is wasn't already, that the Traveler might not be benevolent toward humanity.

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