Quest complete. Where do I turn in for the XP? (Off-Topic)

by Phoenix_9286 @, Thursday, July 16, 2015, 19:31 (3228 days ago)

Way back in August of last year, I was unemployed, I was broke, and I was woefully overdue making one of life's biggest commitments. With that in mind I made a resolution for myself: No Destiny until I had my life in order. Sure, I bought my Limited Edition copy (Xbox One!), but with no system to play it on, all I could do was enjoy the new game smell and the contents inside.

And so, since September, the game has been sitting, boxed up, in my desk, unplayed. This past weekend, however, that all changed, and I took my first steps in the Tower in a long, long time.

You see, I finally made that commitment. I finally asked the one question necessary to complete one of Life's main quests. I finally embraced my Destiny.

She said, Yes.
Just like I knew she would.


In a year's time, Lady Phoenix will officially be Mrs. Phoenix.

Not everything went according to plan; I had to improvise more than once on the fly. And lord knows our conflicting schedules made spiriting her away for a spontaneous vacation a pill... But I know one thing for certain, it's not a weekend we'll ever forget. In the end, that's all that matters.

Of course, making the whole thing more than a little dorky and geeky helps too. She had to go on a quest to find her ring.


Giving her something entirely unique and totally her didn't hurt either. Sapphire, titanium, gibeon meteorite inlay.


So. It's real life official. It's Facebook official. It's DBO official. Quest complete. Who has my XP?

I can finally start looking at Xbox Ones. In the meantime though, I'm borrowing a friend's copy for the 360, so that's where you'll find me. No DLC... I figure there isn't a point when I have a season pass waiting for me on XB1... But I'm loving it all the same (Except for the random House of Wolves events. Those can fuck right off. Talk about putting a wet blanket on exploration.).

See you starside, Guardians.

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