
Thanks DBO! (Destiny)

by Kahzgul, Wednesday, September 16, 2015, 15:35 (3168 days ago)

Thanks to everyone here for their feedback on TTK yesterday. It was so positive that I bought myself a copy (I refused to preorder) and I'm so glad that I did. I played through the story last night and was blown away. It's SO GOOD. Good characters, good writing, really awesome cutscenes, really awesome missions, new mechanics for enemies and mission objectives, etc..

Anyway, I'm back and I can't wait to play some more tonight. Having an absolute blast with TTK.

That being said, despite all of the much appreciated changes and improvements to the game, there is still one glaring bug that has not been fixed: Birth of History still has a giant missing texture in the middle of it! Come on Bungie, get it together!!!

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