
Pretty much agree . . . (Off-Topic)

by Funkmon @, Tuesday, October 27, 2015, 13:08 (3130 days ago) @ cheapLEY

First off, that video was hilarious. Although, I will say, I don't think Warren made up the term E6. It was used previously in the episode in (in a news broadcast?). So in whatever universe they're in, that's apparently a thing.

Well it's dumb.

That doesn't mean I don't also hate Warren. But as I said last week, he just creeps me out. I don't know if it was intentional or just a side effect of his line delivery or what, but he is one creepy dude.

It's pretty clear that Max thinks so too considering that creepy locker.

I have three really big issues:

1. Episode 5 wasn't that fun to play. The Dark Room sequence was interesting, but even for LiS, the gameplay sucked. Seriously, the trial and error of getting David to not die from Jefferson . . . I hated it.


(On a sidenote, that was one problem I had with the game in general. The puzzle solving was dumb. I can clearly SEE THE SOLUTION to the puzzle, don't make me fuck it up first, so that I have to rewind to "fix" it. I can clearly see the fucking chair I have to move in order to reach that thing without breaking shit, just let me do that.)

I was fine with the puzzle solving in the game. I'm bad at them, and had trouble doing some of them, so SHUT UP. I didn't like the nightmare scene's puzzles, though. I had a lot of trouble getting through the maze, and was totally done with it mentally halfway through the first time I played it.

The only really interesting part for me was the nightmare scene, just because it started off decently interesting. The walking down memory lane scene was stupid, though. Wow, thanks for recapping your entire game for me, I couldn't have remembered that. It was like they were trying to shove nostalgia down my throat.

I was all right with it, because, to me, the game was clearly over. There weren't no more story. I was ready for a nostalgia trip since the rest of that shit sucked so bad. But, I'm a sucker for it. For example, the ending scene of Breaking Dawn part 2 makes me cry every time. I cried in the theater. I cried watching with my friend Rachel. I cry watching it alone. I cry when the song comes on the radio.

I cried just now. Not a joke.

They forced nostalgia down your throat, maybe, but it totally fucking worked on me.

2. Similar to number one, Episode 5 basically abandoned everything that made Episodes 1-4 good. It was all the small talk and relaxing moments, the moments that really make you feel a part of the world. Exploring the dorms and talking to people. Max playing her guitar. Chloe dancing on the bed. Etc, etc. Episode 5 had precisely none of that.


3. The final decision sucked. I don't even really mind that all your little choices didn't matter, but the actual choice was stupid. Pretty much from the moment you saved Chloe at the beginning of episode one, folks (myself included) said, "Oh, so in the end we have to come all the way back and let Chloe die to fix shit."

I literally never thought of that until you brought it up. I didn't think of the Warren thing. I might be oblivious, but I was super sucked into the game. Only when it happened did I think "are you fucking kidding me with this bullshit?"

Going back and killing Chloe is such a waste of fucking time. WHY DO YOU EVEN HAVE THE POWER? JUST LET HER DIE IN THE FIRST PLACE, NO TIME TRAVEL, NO STORY.

Way to go with the obvious and really stupid ending, DONTNOD. You did the one thing that could have made me hate the ending. Seriously, five year olds everywhere saw that coming. It's not clever or original, it doesn't present some grand message.

It's very obvious that killing Chloe is the correct decision. They definitely push you that direction.

You know what? Fuck 'em. I saved Chloe. THAT'S WHAT THE ENTIRE GAME HAS BEEN ABOUT. Screw Arcadia Bay and everyone in it. I tore that picture up and let the tornado take it, along with the whole town.


But even that ending sucks in a very breaking suspension of disbelief way. So, the tornado is gone, and the two of them just casually drive through the wreckage out of town. Really?! You're not even going to check to see if your mother is dead?! You're not going to help anyone?!

I initially questioned this as well, but it seems to me that it must have been a day or two days after. The town seemed relatively clean, bodies were covered up, no obvious police presence in the shots we saw. It might have been as simple as a drive through town on the way to Chloe driving Max back to her parents' house in Seattle or something.

On a side note, in the scene where you're trying to get to the diner for the photograph, did anyone else not save a single person? I just figured screw it, I'm probably going to jump into yet another goddamn timeline, so why bother? And Alyssa, you piece of garbage. If you can't climb out of the damn window on your own, you're an absolute waste of space. And also, you deserved to get splashed by that puddle. It's clearly there, and you can clearly see the truck coming! Are you braindead?! I regret helping you at all!

I spent a long time rewinding just to watch her get smacked in the head with a football. The window thing was bullshit though. It was 6 feet to the truck bed. What a total piece of crap. And she talks like she's constantly eating. I hate her. If you save her, you get a payoff of her saving you, which is irrelevant SINCE YOU CAN REWIND TIME.

But yeah, the second time I played the episode I didn't save nobody. Fuck them. I would have let the Two Whales diner blow up if I could've.

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