
New Logo. Animation looks rushed. Good Luck Marty. (Gaming)

by SIX min WHISTLE @, Michigan, Saturday, December 05, 2015, 19:34 (3070 days ago) @ INSANEdrive

If you control it with PS Move then it should easily be a hundred times more accurate than Kinect. It's basically the same tech as those ball suits designed for motion capture, plus a decent amount of buttons on the rest of the controller. And it one of the guys mentioned on their website has a decent amount of Move experience. Highwire only formed in June-ish of this year as far as I can tell, so I'm not all that surprised at some missing polish.

I doubt I'll ever see enough value in this PlayStation VR to invest the probably $300+ it'll cost, plus two Move controllers. I feel like it makes a lot more sense to pick up a PC headset that will probably have a LOT more support than a console one.

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