Initial impressions on Crota's End (spoiler free) (Destiny)

by petetheduck, Sunday, December 14, 2014, 08:30 (3444 days ago)

We made it to Crota blind last night and worked out, I think, all of the mechanics of his encounter. We just need to regroup and execute.

- Crota's End is significantly harder than the Vault of Glass.

- The first moments of the Raid were great and I'm glad we went in blind for them. That was exciting and probably the most fun encounter in the Raid.

- The second encounter is a marathon. This is where Crota's End distinctly separates itself from the Vault of Glass in what it demands of players. Remember how people were complaining they couldn't plan and coordinate with Atheon? Well, this encounter is for them. Plan and coordinate your merry little hearts away.

- Pain. Some of these encounters feel like running into a brick wall over and over again. As for going in blind, it was fun to have those eureka moments, realizing how an object works or figuring out why you're all dying. At the same time, I hope that we learn new strategies from the community for these encounters because running this Raid weekly isn't going to be anything like the cakewalk the Vault of Glass is.

- There are vague similarities to the kind of mechanics seen in the Vault of Glass, but nothing felt repeated. It really felt completely fresh.

Good luck, DBO.


Initial impressions on Crota's End (spoiler free)

by Cody Miller @, Music of the Spheres - Never Forgot, Wednesday, December 17, 2014, 12:08 (3441 days ago) @ petetheduck

- Pain. Some of these encounters feel like running into a brick wall over and over again. As for going in blind, it was fun to have those eureka moments, realizing how an object works or figuring out why you're all dying. At the same time, I hope that we learn new strategies from the community for these encounters because running this Raid weekly isn't going to be anything like the cakewalk the Vault of Glass is.

Eventually, I think it will. Knowing now what we know is going to make it way easier. For example, we obviously didn't know at first that every time you killed a sword bearer, it spawned a gatekeeper. Everybody was running around avoiding all these gatekeepers because we'd kill a sword bearer, and not make it across because we didn't time it well. Now we know, you should make sure only to kill the sword bearer if you go across, and be sure to kill the gatekeeper.

It's very interesting how the bridge encounter really does train you for Crota in terms of communication and timing. It's almost like they had someone who knew what he was doing working on designing the raid…

Initial impressions on Crota's End (spoiler ed)

by petetheduck, Wednesday, December 17, 2014, 14:32 (3440 days ago) @ Cody Miller

- Pain. Some of these encounters feel like running into a brick wall over and over again. As for going in blind, it was fun to have those eureka moments, realizing how an object works or figuring out why you're all dying. At the same time, I hope that we learn new strategies from the community for these encounters because running this Raid weekly isn't going to be anything like the cakewalk the Vault of Glass is.

Eventually, I think it will. Knowing now what we know is going to make it way easier. For example, we obviously didn't know at first that every time you killed a sword bearer, it spawned a gatekeeper. Everybody was running around avoiding all these gatekeepers because we'd kill a sword bearer, and not make it across because we didn't time it well. Now we know, you should make sure only to kill the sword bearer if you go across, and be sure to kill the gatekeeper.

It's very interesting how the bridge encounter really does train you for Crota in terms of communication and timing. It's almost like they had someone who knew what he was doing working on designing the raid…

You should have seen Avateur, dodging multiple invulnerable Gatekeepers while trying to form the bridge from the far side. I was throwing AOE grenades and Nova Bombs at him to have something to hide inside (which worked well during the first part of the Raid as well, especially on the final sync plate). Then we started trying to cheese them off the edge while we waited for near side team to get ready.

Initial impressions on Crota's End (spoiler free)

by HavokBlue, California, Wednesday, December 17, 2014, 14:56 (3440 days ago) @ Cody Miller

Gatekeeper kind of feels like training for Crota's sword mechanics while Deathsinger feels kind of like a gear-check in that she's essentially a DPS race.

Initial impressions on Crota's End (spoiler ed)

by Avateur @, Wednesday, December 17, 2014, 19:23 (3440 days ago) @ petetheduck

You should have seen Avateur, dodging multiple invulnerable Gatekeepers while trying to form the bridge from the far side. I was throwing AOE grenades and Nova Bombs at him to have something to hide inside (which worked well during the first part of the Raid as well, especially on the final sync plate). Then we started trying to cheese them off the edge while we waited for near side team to get ready.

No joke, and it worked. We had three Gatekeepers there for a bit before the remaining group joined us and murdered them. Ultimate dodging on my part. It also keeps them busy and makes it easier for the group to smash them once they arrive. The nightmare part of the Raid has been Crota and pretty much only Crota.

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