I need to delete my extra Warlock (Destiny)

by petetheduck, Tuesday, January 06, 2015, 08:34 (3405 days ago)

A Warlock and a Titan are enough. That extra Warlock is just full of obligations.

I took a week off of Destiny and then compensated with a weekend full of Nightfalls, Weekly Strikes and Raids. Too much.

But, but, I need that extra chance at an Exotic..




I need to delete my extra Warlock

by CruelLEGACEY @, Toronto, Tuesday, January 06, 2015, 08:56 (3405 days ago) @ petetheduck

Ha, sounds like I'm on the other side of the same curve :) I just got my 3rd character up and running over the past few days. This week is my first taste of running the weekly strikes and raids 3 times each. I'm still in the "oh May god just think of all that loot!" phase, but even now I can imagine it getting overwhelming. I think the real danger is falling in to the trap of "I MUST complete every activity with each character" frame of mind. That's the kind of pressure I personally don't have time for :)


I need to delete my extra Warlock

by Schedonnardus, Texas, Tuesday, January 06, 2015, 09:28 (3405 days ago) @ CruelLEGACEY

i have 3 warlocks (31, 31, 30), but they are mostly for raiding/strange coins, or leveling up gear.

I do the bounties, weekly and nightfall on my main, then the raid on all 3 characters. If i get any good gear that needs leveling up, then i'll swap the gear between characters to get the easy bounties as time permits. If a friend needs help on the nightfall, then i'll switch to a character that hasn't done it yet, but i don't make it a point to run nightfall on all three.

I try to keep my shards, materials, motes and coins in the tower vault, so that i can level gear up with any character while in the tower.

I need to delete my extra Warlock

by petetheduck, Tuesday, January 06, 2015, 10:00 (3405 days ago) @ CruelLEGACEY

Ha, sounds like I'm on the other side of the same curve :) I just got my 3rd character up and running over the past few days. This week is my first taste of running the weekly strikes and raids 3 times each. I'm still in the "oh May god just think of all that loot!" phase, but even now I can imagine it getting overwhelming. I think the real danger is falling in to the trap of "I MUST complete every activity with each character" frame of mind. That's the kind of pressure I personally don't have time for :)

I think it's quality over quantity. This weekend was so much about getting the loot drops that I didn't invest in the loot that had dropped. I have so much gear that hasn't had any XP put into it.


I need to delete my extra Warlock

by CruelLEGACEY @, Toronto, Tuesday, January 06, 2015, 12:39 (3405 days ago) @ petetheduck

Ha, sounds like I'm on the other side of the same curve :) I just got my 3rd character up and running over the past few days. This week is my first taste of running the weekly strikes and raids 3 times each. I'm still in the "oh May god just think of all that loot!" phase, but even now I can imagine it getting overwhelming. I think the real danger is falling in to the trap of "I MUST complete every activity with each character" frame of mind. That's the kind of pressure I personally don't have time for :)

I think it's quality over quantity. This weekend was so much about getting the loot drops that I didn't invest in the loot that had dropped. I have so much gear that hasn't had any XP put into it.

I've found myself in a similar situation several times. I've gone through a few rounds of breaking down legendaries I don't use anymore. Now that I have 3 characters, I'm starting to spread my gear around a little more. For the longest time I was determined to keep my warlock equipped with every weapon time, and as many varieties of elemental damage as I could carry. But I'm starting to pull back from that now. I never use Pulse Rifles, so I'm not going to bother keeping and upgrading pulse rifles for all my characters. I'm starting to keep my characters loaded up with a smaller assortment of weapons unique to each of them, then I share a few key guns through the vault.


I need to delete my extra Warlock

by Schedonnardus, Texas, Tuesday, January 06, 2015, 14:01 (3405 days ago) @ CruelLEGACEY

i'm saving duplicates of good guns, so i can spread them out.

I have a Truth on each character (2 331s and 1 300), 2 hunger of crotas, 2 Atheon's Epilogue, 2 found verdict, and 2 murmurs (will eventually have 3). I had two icebreakers, but i sharded one right after TDB came out to upgrade the other one (wished i had just upgraded both). It is my hope to eventually have a "good enough" set on each character that i can switch between them without having to vault items.


I need to delete my extra Warlock

by iconicbanana, C2-H5-OH + NAD, Portland, OR, Tuesday, January 06, 2015, 14:02 (3405 days ago) @ Schedonnardus

i'm saving duplicates of good guns, so i can spread them out.

I have a Truth on each character (2 331s and 1 300), 2 hunger of crotas, 2 Atheon's Epilogue, 2 found verdict, and 2 murmurs (will eventually have 3). I had two icebreakers, but i sharded one right after TDB came out to upgrade the other one (wished i had just upgraded both). It is my hope to eventually have a "good enough" set on each character that i can switch between them without having to vault items.

Because I don't play often enough to warrant 2-3 raids across different characters per week, I just run my PvE/Sunsinger gear on one character, and my PvP/Voidwalker gear on the other. Definitely considering burning one down to build a hunter again though.

I need to delete my extra Warlock

by digital_ronin, Thursday, January 08, 2015, 09:32 (3403 days ago) @ iconicbanana

I have two warlocks and a titan. I do the same thing, one warlock is PVE only and give me another run at raid gear and doing the nightfall. The other is PVE or PVP and is my main.

I have been tempted to delete one of the warlocks and play a hunter again (I originally played one enough to get the Hunter mastery trophy). I had a buddy who got Destiny for Christmas so it would be fun to level up characters together. But I have a feeling a second warlock would be nice to have when House of Wolves drops.

Honestly, I wish the economy would be changed to better support playing multiple different classes than having multiple of the same class.


I need to delete my extra Warlock

by CruelLEGACEY @, Toronto, Tuesday, January 06, 2015, 18:27 (3404 days ago) @ Schedonnardus

i'm saving duplicates of good guns, so i can spread them out.

I have a Truth on each character (2 331s and 1 300), 2 hunger of crotas, 2 Atheon's Epilogue, 2 found verdict, and 2 murmurs (will eventually have 3). I had two icebreakers, but i sharded one right after TDB came out to upgrade the other one (wished i had just upgraded both). It is my hope to eventually have a "good enough" set on each character that i can switch between them without having to vault items.

I'm working towards a similar goal. So far I've got 3 Icebreakers (2 331s and 1 300), 2 Last Words (331s), 2 Atheon's Epilogues, 2 Plan Cs (1 331, 1 300), 2 No Land Beyonds (lol), 2 Swarms, 2 Thorns (both 331s), and 2 Mythoclasts. I'll get there eventually :)

You shouldn't have to do that.

by scarab @, Wednesday, January 07, 2015, 13:44 (3404 days ago) @ Schedonnardus

i'm saving duplicates of good guns, so i can spread them out.

[snip] It is my hope to eventually have a "good enough" set on each character that i can switch between them without having to vault items.

I understand why Bungie wants to restrict in-combat gear access to a small subset of all that you, the player, own. But the Vault is such a bad way to do this.

I wont list all the bad things about the Vault because I'm sure that you know them already.

Instead I'll just say how gear management can be improved - how Bungie can keep in-combat restrictions without forcing the player to jump through hoops.


I'm going to define some terms here so you know what I mean when I use them.


There are ten items of each category that you can switch between using the options menu whilst in a combat zone. These items are equipped but your character can only have one of these items in his/her hands or worn on their body when not in the options menu.

So you can have ten helmets available to wear in a combat zone but only one of those ten is worn when you are not in the options menu.

Currently Equipped

Using the helmet example above, this is the helmet that your character will wear when in the world.

Gear Category

Primaries, Specials, Heavies, Helmets, Chest Pieces, Gloves, Boots, Shaders, Ships, etc are all categories of gear.

But I'm going to use the term: Gear Category to refer to things in the user interface.

You know that you can carry ten Primaries, ten Specials, and can hold ten gloves at any one time without having to use your vault.

The Character page UI has a square icon for the currently equipped item of each category. These icons are found to the left or to the right of the character model.

If you have other items of that category equipped then you can see a small grid of shadow squares beside the current item icon. When opened this becomes a large, 3x3 grid of colourful icons.

Closed Gear Category

This is the UI that is displayed when your cursor is not over a Gear Category - when the category is not active.

When a Gear Category is closed the only visible UI item is the currently selected item's icon.

Opened Gear Category

When you move the cursor over a Gear Category icon then the shadow grid expands into a large 3x3 grid of, colourful, icons that show your other equipped items.

This 3x3 grid and the currently selected item's icon beside the grid constitute the opened version of the Gear Category UI.

My Solution / Vault Replacement

Get rid of the Vault as a place. Make it a page on the options menu that only appears outside of combat areas (it appears in orbit or in the Tower).

The layout would be similar to the current Character page. There will be a gear grid in the middle instead of the character model.

When you navigate to the vault all gear categories will be in their closed state - only the currently selected/equipped item of each gear category will be visible (just like in the Character page).

The gear grid in the middle of the page will be empty.

When you cursor over a closed gear category the category grid will, immediately, open (just like in the Character page)

So far it's just like the Character tab but there are three differences:

  • once a 3x3 grid is open it stays open (it wont close if you move off the grid)
  • to move from one gear category to another you have to hold the cursor over a closed gear category for about 1/4 of a second.
  • the empty gear grid in the middle will be populated with ALL the items of that category of gear that you own and are eligible to equip right now.

To equip an item of a given category:

  • open that item's category
  • find the item in the grid in the middle
  • select it


If an item is already equipped or you already have all ten slots of that category equipped... then you will not be able to select it. It will be drawn dark just like items in the current vault when you can't select them.

When you select an item in the middle it will be added to the Gear Category but it will not be removed from the middle grid. This has two benefits:

  • it will still be available for other characters (you never need to put it back to share it)
  • positions of items stay fixed so you can get to know where a certain item lives in the grid and can find them easily even if you are always swapping items. Relative item locations persist for fairly long periods.

To un-equip an item of a given category:

  • open that item's category
  • find the item in the item category
  • select it


When an un-equipped item is removed from the Gear Category, the other items remaining in the Gear category are shuffled up. The item's icon in the middle grid will be drawn light instead of dark.


Implementing the Vault as a page on the options menu that is only available outside combat areas lets Bungie restrict the number of items you can access in combat zones but doesn't force you to go to the Tower just to access your Vault.

Keeping items in the middle grid lets multiple characters have the same weapons equipped. You also don't need to remember where the weapon is (is it in the Vault? does Hunter have it? Warlock?).

As all characters can have the same weapon equipped, you don't need multiple copies and you don't have to fiddle with your vault so often. You don't have to play the vault mini-game where you have to work out the optimum way to switch weapons between characters and vault and vault to characters. Life becomes so much easier.


I realise that you could have a tab on the Character page to switch between character mode and vault mode but I suspect that it would be less clutter to have a separate page for the Vault.

The pressure is real

by someotherguy, Hertfordshire, England, Tuesday, January 06, 2015, 10:07 (3405 days ago) @ CruelLEGACEY

I run 6 raids and a minimum of 6 Nightfalls & Weeklies every week. It starts to weigh on you.

But loot!

You have a problem, my friend

by Avateur @, Tuesday, January 06, 2015, 17:45 (3405 days ago) @ petetheduck

You should seriously consider creating a Hunter. I'm sure you'll hate it so much that you'll never play it. :P

You have a problem, my friend

by petetheduck, Wednesday, January 07, 2015, 07:26 (3404 days ago) @ Avateur

You should seriously consider creating a Hunter. I'm sure you'll hate it so much that you'll never play it. :P

I did, I did, and I did.


You have a problem, my friend

by Xenos @, Shores of Time, Wednesday, January 07, 2015, 14:52 (3404 days ago) @ Avateur

You should seriously consider creating a Hunter. I'm sure you'll hate it so much that you'll never play it. :P

So much Hunter hate. We're Guardians too! :(


Wish I had the hunter jump

by iconicbanana, C2-H5-OH + NAD, Portland, OR, Wednesday, January 07, 2015, 14:56 (3404 days ago) @ Xenos

You should seriously consider creating a Hunter. I'm sure you'll hate it so much that you'll never play it. :P

So much Hunter hate. We're Guardians too! :(

I can't snipe for shit though, and hunters just don't tank up like titans/'locks. Thou'rt too delicate a flow'r.


Wish I had the hunter jump

by Xenos @, Shores of Time, Wednesday, January 07, 2015, 15:00 (3404 days ago) @ iconicbanana

I can't snipe for shit though, and hunters just don't tank up like titans/'locks. Thou'rt too delicate a flow'r.

Ah, but if you have the hunter jump, that's how you get out of situations. There's something about triple jumping out of a situation that makes you hard to hit.


Bananas are inanimate, unfortunately.

by iconicbanana, C2-H5-OH + NAD, Portland, OR, Wednesday, January 07, 2015, 15:05 (3404 days ago) @ Xenos
edited by iconicbanana, Wednesday, January 07, 2015, 15:08

I can't snipe for shit though, and hunters just don't tank up like titans/'locks. Thou'rt too delicate a flow'r.

Ah, but if you have the hunter jump, that's how you get out of situations. There's something about triple jumping out of a situation that makes you hard to hit.

I think you overestimate my ability to move in three dimensions. Which is understandable. Most of my play is predicated on momentum and strategy. I do not have 'la vitesse de réaction.'


Triple Jump

by Blackt1g3r @, Login is from an untrusted domain in MN, Thursday, January 08, 2015, 07:21 (3403 days ago) @ Xenos

The triple jump usually seems to get my killed because I'm hanging in the air too long. It's probably because I still play like a titan when playing a hunter even though I try really hard not to.


Triple Jump

by Ragashingo ⌂, Official DBO Cryptarch, Thursday, January 08, 2015, 07:49 (3403 days ago) @ Blackt1g3r

Heh. Now I want to watch you try to shoulder charge someone as a Hunter. :p

You have a problem, my friend

by Avateur @, Wednesday, January 07, 2015, 20:11 (3403 days ago) @ Xenos

I actually haven't played one yet, but nearly everyone I know and play with seems to hate them so much! I mean, just look at Pete's reply. My only opinion on them is that they suck at jumping and that I hate running across Blade Dancers in Crucible.


You have a problem, my friend

by iconicbanana, C2-H5-OH + NAD, Portland, OR, Thursday, January 08, 2015, 07:42 (3403 days ago) @ Avateur

I actually haven't played one yet, but nearly everyone I know and play with seems to hate them so much! I mean, just look at Pete's reply. My only opinion on them is that they suck at jumping and that I hate running across Blade Dancers in Crucible.

I didn't hate mine, but damn the skill curve was high on Hunter. A lot of the class abilities came down to chaining head shots/having good aim/platform-jumping acumen, etc. I'm just not that good at FPS's.

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