PlayStation reveals Destiny boxart and info (Destiny)
by Hedge , Australia, Monday, September 30, 2013, 06:04 (4151 days ago)
Right here.
And new trailer tomorrow! Don't forget that, hedge!
by Hypertrooper, Germany, Monday, September 30, 2013, 06:27 (4151 days ago) @ Hedge
Right here.
I have to say I like the new one. The placeholder was the superior one, but the new one isn't that bad. And I even can understand why Bungie changed it.
And new trailer tomorrow! Don't forget that, hedge!
by Fuertisimo, Monday, September 30, 2013, 07:07 (4151 days ago) @ Hypertrooper
Right here.
I have to say I like the new one. The placeholder was the superior one, but the new one isn't that bad. And I even can understand why Bungie changed it.
I agree the placeholder was superior. I'm actually really bugged by the visor looking thing on the back of the hunters helmet. Once you see it you can't unsee it. It looks like the hunter's head is on backwards. Very distracting.

It's horrible.
by uberfoop , Seattle-ish, Monday, September 30, 2013, 07:36 (4151 days ago) @ Fuertisimo
I couldn't quite place why it annoyed me at first. It was a helmet backwards look, but something made it especially problematic. Then I went on GAF, and sure enough, Slightly Live had made the connection:
If a backwards helmet can't be unseen, nothing compares to Poncho Chief.
There's always custom box art I guess...
It's horrible.
by kapowaz, Monday, September 30, 2013, 08:18 (4151 days ago) @ uberfoop
If a backwards helmet can't be unseen, nothing compares to Poncho Chief.
Must be awful cold in that MJOLNIR armour to need a cape as well.
That trailer is exactly why I'm done with the Halo series, fwiw.
If a backwards helmet can't be unseen, nothing compares to Poncho Chief.
Must be awful cold in that MJOLNIR armour to need a cape as well.That trailer is exactly why I'm done with the Halo series, fwiw.
But... but you'll still be tinkering around with Halo Wars, right?

Wow. Not even 'average', 'mediocre', or even 'bad'?
by Leviathan , Hotel Zanzibar, Monday, September 30, 2013, 10:16 (4151 days ago) @ uberfoop
You jump straight to 'horrible'? Hyperbole, perhaps? I... Just don't see anything horrible in that image. It tells a lot about the game like Halo CE's now-classic cover, while looking like a sci fi version of a Good, Bad, and the Ugly poster.

Those Baby's got back
by MrPadraig08
, Steel City, Monday, September 30, 2013, 12:06 (4151 days ago) @ Leviathan
That is pretty bold to have boxart of the character's backs, and they aren't even turning their faces to the camera while back facing. Definitely seems to break some convention.
Wow. Not even 'average', 'mediocre', or even 'bad'?
by Avateur , Monday, September 30, 2013, 17:53 (4151 days ago) @ Leviathan
As reigning hyperbole champ over at HBO, I'd like to declare this box art the worst box art of all time and that I will not buy this game or even follow it anymore because of just how utterly disgusting it is. If I were Joe Staten, I would have quit, too. Forget that terrible awful design.
Please note that not one thing I said in the above statement is how I actually feel or what I actually think, but I decided to make a negative into a fun thing to do. :P

Wow. Not even 'average', 'mediocre', or even 'bad'?
by ZackDark , Not behind you. NO! Don't look., Monday, September 30, 2013, 18:00 (4151 days ago) @ Avateur

Wow. Not even 'average', 'mediocre', or even 'bad'?
by uberfoop , Seattle-ish, Monday, September 30, 2013, 19:03 (4151 days ago) @ Leviathan
You jump straight to 'horrible'?
For the cover as a whole? Nah. By North American boxart standards it's actually quite good in itself. With regards to the unseeableness of Poncho Chief going Voldemort on the back of someone's head? Yeah, that's a horrible thing.
I'm not sure I actually will use custom box art, but considering how well some of Destiny's art works as a cover (and resultantly how ridiculously good some of the custom box art out there looks), I'm considering it.

It's horrible.
by Kermit , Raleigh, NC, Monday, September 30, 2013, 11:44 (4151 days ago) @ uberfoop
Blarg. I wiped out your post when I moved it. Sorry for the stupidity --Beorn

And new trailer tomorrow! Don't forget that, hedge!
by Beorn , <End of Failed Timeline>, Monday, September 30, 2013, 08:55 (4151 days ago) @ Fuertisimo
I have to say I like the new one. The placeholder was the superior one, but the new one isn't that bad. And I even can understand why Bungie changed it.
I agree the placeholder was superior. I'm actually really bugged by the visor looking thing on the back of the hunters helmet. Once you see it you can't unsee it. It looks like the hunter's head is on backwards. Very distracting.
I'm hoping that the reveal postcard will be the artwork for the Limited Edition release (assuming there will be one). The new one's merits lie in the fact that the three classes are front-and-center, and therefore tells a potential buyer much more about the game than a strange sphere floating above Earth.
And new trailer tomorrow! Don't forget that, hedge!
by marmot 1333 , Monday, September 30, 2013, 09:38 (4151 days ago) @ Beorn
I agree.
The previous simple design was better from a design standpoint.
However, for the uninformed masses, the new cover tells the story better. (Hopefully sells the story better too, amirite, marketing guys?)

And new trailer tomorrow! Don't forget that, hedge!
by bluerunner , Music City, Monday, September 30, 2013, 10:12 (4151 days ago) @ Beorn
The new one's merits lie in the fact that the three classes are front-and-center, and therefore tells a potential buyer much more about the game than a strange sphere floating above Earth.
I've been hoping there was going to be more than 3 classes. Not that I don't like what we've seen, just that I thought there would be at least a couple more.

And new trailer tomorrow! Don't forget that, hedge!
by Leviathan , Hotel Zanzibar, Monday, September 30, 2013, 10:19 (4151 days ago) @ bluerunner
The new one's merits lie in the fact that the three classes are front-and-center, and therefore tells a potential buyer much more about the game than a strange sphere floating above Earth.
I've been hoping there was going to be more than 3 classes. Not that I don't like what we've seen, just that I thought there would be at least a couple more.
I have a feeling learning the extent and functions of the multiple races will make a variety of interesting combinations with these three classes...

And new trailer tomorrow! Don't forget that, hedge!
by Beorn , <End of Failed Timeline>, Monday, September 30, 2013, 10:33 (4151 days ago) @ Leviathan
I've been hoping there was going to be more than 3 classes. Not that I don't like what we've seen, just that I thought there would be at least a couple more.
I have a feeling learning the extent and functions of the multiple races will make a variety of interesting combinations with these three classes...
I thought they said race was purely cosmetic. Still, though, I generally like the "keep it simple" philosophy. Each new class grows the complexity of balance dramatically, so I'd much rather have three well-designed, well-balanced classes than 4 or 5 that are perhaps a bit less tight. I think we're going to have our hands full with this brand new universe and everything that comes with it, so I'm not too worried about a plethora of class choices.
Plus, they've gotta leave something for future titles! ;-)

And new trailer tomorrow! Don't forget that, hedge!
by Leviathan , Hotel Zanzibar, Monday, September 30, 2013, 10:55 (4151 days ago) @ Beorn
I thought they said race was purely cosmetic. Still, though, I generally like the "keep it simple" philosophy. Each new class grows the complexity of balance dramatically, so I'd much rather have three well-designed, well-balanced classes than 4 or 5 that are perhaps a bit less tight. I think we're going to have our hands full with this brand new universe and everything that comes with it, so I'm not too worried about a plethora of class choices.
Yeah, I could be totally wrong about race being meaningful. Too much Elder Scrolls in my brain!
Plus, they've gotta leave something for future titles! ;-)
Yep! I'd much rather see them nail three classes for this one and then slowly add more in sequels instead of confuse the sandbox with too many non-distinct classes.

And new trailer tomorrow! Don't forget that, hedge!
by Malagate , Sea of Tranquility, Monday, September 30, 2013, 14:13 (4151 days ago) @ Leviathan
I thought they said race was purely cosmetic. Still, though, I generally like the "keep it simple" philosophy. Each new class grows the complexity of balance dramatically, so I'd much rather have three well-designed, well-balanced classes than 4 or 5 that are perhaps a bit less tight. I think we're going to have our hands full with this brand new universe and everything that comes with it, so I'm not too worried about a plethora of class choices.
Yeah, I could be totally wrong about race being meaningful. Too much Elder Scrolls in my brain!
It would be a terrible shame to waste all the rich possibilities of race making a difference in both gameplay and canon. I could understand a choice against it on gameplay grounds, but from world-building aspect, I'm sure there's lots more we'll learn.
Plus, they've gotta leave something for future titles! ;-)
Yep! I'd much rather see them nail three classes for this one and then slowly add more in sequels instead of confuse the sandbox with too many non-distinct classes.
Mass Effect 3's multiplayer had several different playable races, all but the Hanar and Elkor, I believe. And across each of the classes, the traits of that race factored in to how they played. It was really well done. I'd love to see a similar dynamic at play in Destiny, but I would err on the side of fewer yet better-developed choices.

Wonder what the "new location" will be in the trailer?
by JDQuackers
, McMurray, PA, Monday, September 30, 2013, 06:53 (4151 days ago) @ Hedge
Tomorrow, check back right here to watch our latest gameplay trailer, set in a destination a lot of fans have been asking to see for the first time
I'm wondering if it will be the lush jungles of the Vex homeworld

More likely: post-apocalyptic Disneyland
by MrPadraig08
, Steel City, Monday, September 30, 2013, 06:54 (4151 days ago) @ JDQuackers
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I can't wait to see It's a Small World in ruins
by Mr Daax
, aka: SSG Daax, Monday, September 30, 2013, 07:55 (4151 days ago) @ MrPadraig08
I loathe that ride.
Wonder what the "new location" will be in the trailer?
by Hypertrooper, Germany, Monday, September 30, 2013, 06:56 (4151 days ago) @ JDQuackers
Well, they showed a screenshot of Mars in the last Mail Sack...
Wonder what the "new location" will be in the trailer?
by kapowaz, Monday, September 30, 2013, 08:19 (4151 days ago) @ JDQuackers
I'm wondering if it will be the lush jungles of the Vex homeworld
It has to be off-planet. I'd say the moon, since we've not seen any gameplay from that yet (have we?)

Wonder what the "new location" will be in the trailer?
by Xenos , Shores of Time, Monday, September 30, 2013, 08:23 (4151 days ago) @ kapowaz
It has to be off-planet. I'd say the moon, since we've not seen any gameplay from that yet (have we?)
What if it's space combat?

You never fail to prep my expectations for dangerous levels
by MrPadraig08
, Steel City, Monday, September 30, 2013, 08:26 (4151 days ago) @ Xenos
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You never fail to prep my expectations for dangerous levels
by Xenos , Shores of Time, Monday, September 30, 2013, 08:31 (4151 days ago) @ MrPadraig08
Yeah... I have the unusual gift of not being capable of being over-hyped, so I probably shouldn't get other people over-excited :)

You never fail to prep my expectations for dangerous levels
by MrPadraig08
, Steel City, Monday, September 30, 2013, 08:54 (4151 days ago) @ Xenos
It's truly a gift, but I'm never sure whether to temper it or not.
(Ex: I convinced myself Reach was going to be Spartan Thermopylae, and you would being fighting alongside S-II's and III's in an all out battle to the death. At least the end of it was somewhat like that.)
You never fail to prep my expectations for dangerous levels
by kapowaz, Monday, September 30, 2013, 09:12 (4151 days ago) @ MrPadraig08
Ex: I convinced myself Reach was going to be Spartan Thermopylae, and you would being fighting alongside S-II's and III's in an all out battle to the death.
I'm still gutted that Reach didn't do this.
Wonder what the "new location" will be in the trailer?
by kapowaz, Monday, September 30, 2013, 08:30 (4151 days ago) @ Xenos
It has to be off-planet. I'd say the moon, since we've not seen any gameplay from that yet (have we?)
What if it's space combat?
Have fans been asking about that? I'd love to see it, though!

Wonder what the "new location" will be in the trailer?
by Xenos , Shores of Time, Monday, September 30, 2013, 08:38 (4151 days ago) @ kapowaz
Have fans been asking about that? I'd love to see it, though!
We have been a lot on DBO at least, I honestly don't look in many other forums. I have seen it talked about on the Bungie.net forums a couple of times also, whenever I'm Brave enough to venture into the Wild.
Wonder what the "new location" will be in the trailer?
by kapowaz, Monday, September 30, 2013, 17:19 (4151 days ago) @ kapowaz
It has to be off-planet. I'd say the moon, since we've not seen any gameplay from that yet (have we?)

Kind of a bummer, but not much
by ZackDark , Not behind you. NO! Don't look., Monday, September 30, 2013, 17:28 (4151 days ago) @ kapowaz
I was expecting the Gardens.
The Moon will do. :)
Hope we get to recognize some notable features of our satellite.

PlayStation reveals Destiny boxart and info
by Xenos , Shores of Time, Monday, September 30, 2013, 07:14 (4151 days ago) @ Hedge
I also imagine this is when the Beta will REALLY be announced.
by kapowaz, Monday, September 30, 2013, 08:29 (4151 days ago) @ Hedge
So, I went to the Eurogamer Expo yesterday. I'd asked previously if Bungie would be attending and got no official response, but sure enough when I arrived I saw a large poster for Destiny outside Earl's Court, and the wristband had the Destiny logo on it! That was about as exciting as it got, however.
Despite all the other major FPS games and next-gen titles on show (Titanfall and Battlefield 4 were both there — and playable — to name a couple) Bungie's stand for Destiny comprised a couple of screens showing their vidocs from months back and a larger-than-life Fallen Captain you could stand and have your photo taken next to. They had some people handing out posters, which are admittedly quite nice (very high quality print), but I had hoped they'd at least have live footage (I suppose playable would have been a lot to ask).
But now they're unveiling a new trailer tomorrow? Could Bungie not have timed it so they could have shown it at the Expo?

by Xenos , Shores of Time, Monday, September 30, 2013, 08:32 (4151 days ago) @ kapowaz
The impression I got was that it was actually Activision that was showing off Destiny more than Bungie.
by kapowaz, Monday, September 30, 2013, 08:40 (4151 days ago) @ Xenos
The impression I got was that it was actually Activision that was showing off Destiny more than Bungie.
Hmm, that makes sense… although I'm sure it's a joint effort in any case? Marketing budget being distinct from development and all that. Either way, it felt like very little effort compared to the competition. It's no wonder I've always felt like the Halo series (Bungie era, at least) was never as popular in the UK as the likes of Call of Duty and Battlefield if one of these gives away posters and the other lets you play their new title for 15 minutes.
Hmm, that makes sense… although I'm sure it's a joint effort in any case?
It may not be as much a joint effort as you imply. Remember that Activision trailer that Bungie had nothing to do with?
Bungie's usually one of the best at teasing us pre-release, and their relationship with Activision may be such that they can't calibrate what they give us as closely as they might. I'd rather they erred on the side of giving us too little than too much, though. Regarding Destiny not competing well with COD, honestly, as long as it does well enough to enable Bungie to keep making games that they want to play, I don't care.
Given the rumors, I have my doubts I'll win the release date contest (I said Nov. 2014), but that's a good thing. Soon(TM) might be sooner than we think.

by MrPadraig08
, Steel City, Monday, September 30, 2013, 08:42 (4151 days ago) @ kapowaz
I don't really think they have been aligned with the schedule of shows this year, they hit gamescom, but totally overshot PAX. Which I'm fine with them not having a full media pushes for pre-alpha stuff. I'm good with waiting til the right moment.
by kapowaz, Monday, September 30, 2013, 08:48 (4151 days ago) @ MrPadraig08
I don't really think they have been aligned with the schedule of shows this year, they hit gamescom, but totally overshot PAX. Which I'm fine with them not having a full media pushes for pre-alpha stuff. I'm good with waiting til the right moment.
I suppose a part of the reason I'm frustrated is that the UK doesn't really get the same level of games conferences that the US (and even Europe in general) gets. We've only really got this one, so if a developer passes it over that's it for the year. Hopefully by this time next year Destiny will either be released or very close to, and so the information drought will be well and truly over by then.
by Claude Errera , Monday, September 30, 2013, 12:14 (4151 days ago) @ kapowaz
I suppose a part of the reason I'm frustrated is that the UK doesn't really get the same level of games conferences that the US (and even Europe in general) gets. We've only really got this one, so if a developer passes it over that's it for the year. Hopefully by this time next year Destiny will either be released or very close to, and so the information drought will be well and truly over by then.
I dunno - it doesn't seem any harder for you to get to, say, Gamescom than it would be for me to get to... Oh, I dunno, RTX in Austin. (Easier, maybe, even with the national border crossings.) London is 350 miles or so from Cologne... while Seattle is more than 2000 miles from Austin.
I can get to PAX, now, without a problem - but everything else is pretty far away. If it's important, you spend the money to travel; if it's not, it's not really worth griping that it didn't come to your backyard. :)

by Cody Miller , Music of the Spheres - Never Forgot, Tuesday, October 01, 2013, 00:58 (4151 days ago) @ Claude Errera
I suppose a part of the reason I'm frustrated is that the UK doesn't really get the same level of games conferences that the US (and even Europe in general) gets. We've only really got this one, so if a developer passes it over that's it for the year. Hopefully by this time next year Destiny will either be released or very close to, and so the information drought will be well and truly over by then.
I dunno.
It's probably two things:
1. 97% of the good games in the world come from Japan or the US.
2. People in Europe don't play as many video games. A gamer in the UK averages half the playtime of an American.
by kapowaz, Tuesday, October 01, 2013, 01:57 (4151 days ago) @ Cody Miller
It's probably two things:
1. 97% of the good games in the world come from Japan or the US.
Ha, that's a good one! Actually, historically the UK has had a geographically disproportionately-large stake in the games industry.
2. People in Europe don't play as many video games. A gamer in the UK averages half the playtime of an American.
That is interesting. The stat for girl gamers in the US is particularly interesting.

Kinda super meh
by Grizzlei
, Pacific Cloud Zone, Earth, Monday, September 30, 2013, 09:07 (4151 days ago) @ Hedge
The colors seem cool and well oriented and the Traveler looming over everyone is nice, but the orientation of the Guardians throw it off completely. I don't care much for them trying to look badass staring endlessly at nothing, and shame on that Hunter for not exercising proper manners by facing the camera. Rude!
I dunno, it's just not my thing. The "work in progress" cover on the Destiny pre-order page with the Traveler orbiting Earth was prettyful enough for me. Looking at it now makes me think it'll grow on me with time. Thoughts?
Kinda super meh
by Axelrod vK, NC, USA, Monday, September 30, 2013, 10:23 (4151 days ago) @ Grizzlei
It looks like the hunter IS facing the camera, he just accidentally put his robe on backwards. Clearly he is looking straight ahead, no way they would put a dumb visor on the back of his helmet.
If space combat is announced, this will be the greatest game ever produced. If not, it will still be damn good. My guess is for gameplay in the Last City or the Buried City.

Exhibit A *IMG*
by Beorn , <End of Failed Timeline>, Monday, September 30, 2013, 12:15 (4151 days ago) @ Grizzlei
I dunno, it's just not my thing. The "work in progress" cover on the Destiny pre-order page with the Traveler orbiting Earth was prettyful enough for me. Looking at it now makes me think it'll grow on me with time. Thoughts?
I think it's important to remember that the final box art isn't for people like you and me. No, we've already been sold. They had us at Alpha Lupi. The box art is for people who don't know about customizable characters, The Traveler, The City, Space Magic, Titans, Warlocks, Hunters, Vex, Cabal, The Fallen, Gjallerhorn, Red Death, Pikes, Sparrows, FOTC, New Monarchy, or The Frontier (whew!). It's for people who haven't already been sold on Destiny or even parents of gamers who want to know something about the title before they buy it.
Those potential customers should be able to pick up the box and in a few brief seconds be able to glean enough information about the game that their interest is piqued and either turn the box over for a description or even ask the person behind the counter for more information. Therefore, it's important that the cover convey as much about the themes of the game as possible while still being visually interesting. There's actually quite a bit of information loaded into the new design once I started looking for it:
Also, I think it's important to note that the Titan is female (I think). It speaks to the fact that our character can be whoever we are, and neither male or female have to be gratuitous about their sex. The subtlety of it is refreshing.
The colors seem cool and well oriented and the Traveler looming over everyone is nice, but the orientation of the Guardians throw it off completely. I don't care much for them trying to look badass staring endlessly at nothing, and shame on that Hunter for not exercising proper manners by facing the camera. Rude!
I think there's an interesting psychology at play with the characters looking away from us (well, except for backwards-helmet-Hunter, but I expect/hope that may change). In Destiny, we become our characters and build our own story, so the fact that the viewer is looking in the same direction as the figures is actually pretty powerful. If the Guardians were all turned to be facing us, then that would automatically set up an opposition that would separate the gamer from the characters; it would suggest that the game is their story and we're only experiencing it for a while.
I imagine that many of us on DBO love the announcement postcard and will always consider it to be an icon of Destiny, but it was always a little too subtle to be the primary point of contact on store shelves.
Limited Editions are another thing entirely, though, so maybe we'll see the Traveler/Earth image there. Either way, I think the new box is pretty solid.

Exhibit A *IMG*
by MrPadraig08
, Steel City, Monday, September 30, 2013, 12:28 (4151 days ago) @ Beorn
That stuff between sci-fi and space is called mystery.
(well, except for backwards-helmet-Hunter, but I expect/hope that may change)
Hunters have eyes in the back of their head. Makes shooting first much easier.

Summed up my thoughts very nicely
by ZackDark , Not behind you. NO! Don't look., Monday, September 30, 2013, 12:35 (4151 days ago) @ Beorn
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This is why it doesn't do it for me.
by Malagate , Sea of Tranquility, Monday, September 30, 2013, 13:44 (4151 days ago) @ Beorn
The colors are a little washed out, the angle and general composition actually remind me a bit of the Halo 4 box art. Just not excited by it. But it's handsome, and it does the marketing. For a brand new IP, that will be crucial. And as you said, limited editions are likely to have prettier packaging. So I'm looking forward to seeing those.

Exhibit A *IMG*
by INSANEdrive, ಥ_ಥ | f(ಠ‿↼)z | ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ| ¯\_(ツ)_/¯, Monday, September 30, 2013, 14:33 (4151 days ago) @ Beorn
I think there's an interesting psychology at play with the characters looking away from us (well, except for backwards-helmet-Hunter, but I expect/hope that may change). In Destiny, we become our characters and build our own story, so the fact that the viewer is looking in the same direction as the figures is actually pretty powerful. If the Guardians were all turned to be facing us, then that would automatically set up an opposition that would separate the gamer from the characters; it would suggest that the game is their story and we're only experiencing it for a while.
Are we not going to meet others in our path of Destiny? I think - and I am aware the possible kettle-black nature of this statement, you are thinking too much into it. :) (Oh man)
Yes - true, we do have customization options, but such a thing would be very hard to express with a simple "cover art" picture. I for one, when I put my self in a thought experiment where I have no idea what the game "Destiny" is at all, see no correlation with the image on the box and the thought of "customizability". It would be (and is) 1000 times easier to be expressed on the back of the box instead of the back of the characters.As stated in my post - all it really does is shun (the filthy nonbelievers :P).
So - I find your point to be moot. And you smell bad. </3

But I showered and everything!
by Beorn , <End of Failed Timeline>, Monday, September 30, 2013, 15:22 (4151 days ago) @ INSANEdrive
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Exhibit A *IMG*
by Cody Miller , Music of the Spheres - Never Forgot, Monday, September 30, 2013, 15:56 (4151 days ago) @ INSANEdrive
I think there's an interesting psychology at play with the characters looking away from us (well, except for backwards-helmet-Hunter, but I expect/hope that may change). In Destiny, we become our characters and build our own story, so the fact that the viewer is looking in the same direction as the figures is actually pretty powerful. If the Guardians were all turned to be facing us, then that would automatically set up an opposition that would separate the gamer from the characters; it would suggest that the game is their story and we're only experiencing it for a while.
Yes, because Half Life, the game credited with jump starting the 'you are the character' thing TOTALLY had Gordon Freeman facing away from you on the cover :-p
I don't think your theory is solid.

Exhibit A *IMG*
by Beorn , <End of Failed Timeline>, Monday, September 30, 2013, 16:08 (4151 days ago) @ Cody Miller
Yes, because Half Life, the game credited with jump starting the 'you are the character' thing TOTALLY had Gordon Freeman facing away from you on the cover :-p
I don't think your theory is solid.
I don't think your analogy is solid.
You don't play Half Life as your own physicist with a crowbar, you play Half Life as Gordon Freeman, a construct of Valve. Valve chose what he looks like and Valve chose his missions and his complete story. Freeman doesn't get to customize his appearance and he doesn't get to interact with other players. I don't know what you mean by "you are the character" being a Half Life invention. How is Freeman any different than the Security Officer in Marathon?*
Games that get a lot closer in terms of "being" the character are probably Deus Ex or World of Warcraft.
* I'm not saying Marathon did this first, just that I don't see how the characters are any different.

Exhibit A *IMG*
by Cody Miller , Music of the Spheres - Never Forgot, Monday, September 30, 2013, 17:03 (4151 days ago) @ Beorn
Yes, because Half Life, the game credited with jump starting the 'you are the character' thing TOTALLY had Gordon Freeman facing away from you on the cover :-p
I don't think your theory is solid.
I don't think your analogy is solid.You don't play Half Life as your own physicist with a crowbar, you play Half Life as Gordon Freeman, a construct of Valve. Valve chose what he looks like and Valve chose his missions and his complete story. Freeman doesn't get to customize his appearance and he doesn't get to interact with other players. I don't know what you mean by "you are the character" being a Half Life invention. How is Freeman any different than the Security Officer in Marathon?*
Sheppard faced you on the mass effect covers :-p

Not my Sheppard
by ZackDark , Not behind you. NO! Don't look., Monday, September 30, 2013, 17:21 (4151 days ago) @ Cody Miller

Flip the cover around. :p
by Ragashingo , Official DBO Cryptarch, Monday, September 30, 2013, 17:21 (4151 days ago) @ ZackDark
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Still not my Sheppard...
by ZackDark , Not behind you. NO! Don't look., Monday, September 30, 2013, 17:28 (4151 days ago) @ Ragashingo
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Try one more time…
by Ragashingo , Official DBO Cryptarch, Monday, September 30, 2013, 17:32 (4151 days ago) @ ZackDark
Perhaps your Shepard is like your everyday, common place 4th dimensional USB cable:

Exhibit A *IMG*
by Ragashingo , Official DBO Cryptarch, Monday, September 30, 2013, 17:25 (4151 days ago) @ Cody Miller
edited by Ragashingo, Monday, September 30, 2013, 17:39
Everybody plays Mass Effect as a variant of Commander Shepard. It's pretty much the same for all the big name first person games that I've played recently. I was never the Master Chief, Alan Wake, Corvo, or Booker DeWitt. They were their own characters who I happened to get to control for a while.
The only games doing it differently that I can think of recently are Skyrim, who's main box art features no character at all, and the last two Bungie games. ODST has a side shot of The Rookie, and Reach doesn't have Noble Six on the front at all.
Seems pretty consistent that Bungie gives us characters facing away on the Destiny box art at the same time they give us the most control of our characters they ever have.
Yes, because Half Life, the game credited with jump starting the 'you are the character' thing TOTALLY had Gordon Freeman facing away from you on the cover :-p
I don't think your theory is solid.
I don't think your analogy is solid.
No, the analogy is solid. Here's why. The game itself will prove it, which is the point.
Back to Half-Life.
No cutscenes. No breaks. Very little story. You're given tidbits at an opportune time, and heck, you can even ignore the vast majority of them (apologies to that one Barney at the end of the rail line that I killed a lot. I'm sure your words were important, bro!). You're given the freedom to interpret it however you want (Yahtzee wrote a real great piece on this very thing, actually. I encourage you to find it.)
Also, just to confirm Beorn, have you played Half-Life? I'm not asking in a gotcha manner, I just want to confirm so I know we've both played it. If you have, you clearly see it differently than me, which is fine. Your kink is not my kink but your kink is ok.
In a way, it's more open than Mass Effect and Deux Ex because you could do whatever the hell you wanted within the confines of the tools and rules you're given. Mass Effect doesn't let you shoot up the Citadel, for example.
And I mean jeeze, we're talking about the cover of the game here. Like we don't look at those mostly because we're busy tearing off the packaging.
If the cover of the game itself is what sells you on the immersion, and not like, you know, the game, then something is terribly wrong here.
Exhibit A *IMG*
by Fuertisimo, Monday, September 30, 2013, 19:24 (4151 days ago) @ Beorn
I get what you're saying about the marketing, but I still think its a poor cover. I sense the meddling influence of Activision in this one. Marketing is being handled on their end I believe.
Just to play devil's advocate, why can't the cover be good and hit the marketable points at the same time? It doesn't have to have the backwards facemask in it to be marketable you know.

Exhibit A *IMG*
by Beorn , <End of Failed Timeline>, Monday, September 30, 2013, 20:30 (4151 days ago) @ Fuertisimo
I get what you're saying about the marketing, but I still think its a poor cover. I sense the meddling influence of Activision in this one. Marketing is being handled on their end I believe.
Don't get me wrong, I completely agree that this appears to have some Activision in its blood. That said, I think it's pretty solid and the characters looking in the same direction as the viewer is actually kind of interesting to me. In the end it'll be fairly irrelevant to me if there's a Limited Edition available because I'm most certainly going to grab that instead. That, and I don't plan to take Destiny out of my console tray if I don't have to, so when will I be looking at the box? ;-)
Exhibit A *IMG*
by Fuertisimo, Tuesday, October 01, 2013, 00:03 (4151 days ago) @ Beorn
I too think looking in the same direction as the guardians is interesting, but the composition as a whole is fairly bland. I guess the best way to describe the impression it gives me is indifference, it doesn't really evoke anything. Which I think is a bad thing.
I too plan on putting the disc in the tray and forgetting the box ever existed, but however minute or trivial a part of the game the box is, it is still part of the game.
Love the clearness of the composition. Would make a great poster on my wall. Looking forward to some more weird/obscure designs for a limited edition for the initiated. Though I'd be happy with one, non-wallet-breaking edition to be honest.

I Respectfully Disagree.
by INSANEdrive, ಥ_ಥ | f(ಠ‿↼)z | ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ| ¯\_(ツ)_/¯, Monday, September 30, 2013, 12:58 (4151 days ago) @ Leviathan
Love the clearness of the composition. Would make a great poster on my wall. Looking forward to some more weird/obscure designs for a limited edition for the initiated. Though I'd be happy with one, non-wallet-breaking edition to be honest.
I'm surprised even more at this. Clearness of the composition? Its a flat composition with peoples back at ya, and unused space. If I didn't know what I was looking at I wouldn't want to pick this game up just from visuals alone.
In fact, if I had a choice I would change the direction they were facing. I think it would be very interesting how Huge of a difference that would make.

In Fact . . .
by INSANEdrive, ಥ_ಥ | f(ಠ‿↼)z | ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ| ¯\_(ツ)_/¯, Monday, September 30, 2013, 13:28 (4151 days ago) @ INSANEdrive
In fact, if I had a choice I would change the direction they were facing. I think it would be very interesting how Huge of a difference that would make.
Just a quick test just to play with that idea. Quite frankly I really don't even care about the composition anymore. I think the thing that gets me the most - and no doubt this is all psychology 101 (OH GEEEZ!) - its that the characters backs are all toward the viewer. We can't see anything. Just... You aren't part of our team. :(
That doesn't sound like Destiny to me.

by Beorn , <End of Failed Timeline>, Monday, September 30, 2013, 13:35 (4151 days ago) @ INSANEdrive
Just a quick test just to play with that idea. Quite frankly I really don't even care about the composition anymore. I think the thing that gets me the most - and no doubt this is all psychology 101 (OH GEEEZ!) - its that the characters backs are all toward the viewer. We can't see anything. Just... You aren't part of our team. :(
I like that recreation, but see my argument for having the characters face the other way.

by Malagate , Sea of Tranquility, Monday, September 30, 2013, 13:59 (4151 days ago) @ Beorn
Just a quick test just to play with that idea. Quite frankly I really don't even care about the composition anymore. I think the thing that gets me the most - and no doubt this is all psychology 101 (OH GEEEZ!) - its that the characters backs are all toward the viewer. We can't see anything. Just... You aren't part of our team. :(
I like that recreation, but see my argument for having the characters face the other way.
I can see both sides, and I initially came to the same conclusion you did about it being the player's story and not needing an iconic face.
But I can't deny that seeing the front of the characters was way more appealing, plus it added the armor as a visual element I immediately wanted to know more about. I think that the colors are a bit brighter, which was one of my gripes, also helped.

by Beorn , <End of Failed Timeline>, Monday, September 30, 2013, 14:10 (4151 days ago) @ Malagate
I can see both sides, and I initially came to the same conclusion you did about it being the player's story and not needing an iconic face.
But I can't deny that seeing the front of the characters was way more appealing, plus it added the armor as a visual element I immediately wanted to know more about. I think that the colors are a bit brighter, which was one of my gripes, also helped.
Yeah, I won't argue that the colors would certainly pop a bit more without the big gray cloak and the armor is certainly nice to look at. I think the point, though, is that Destiny is about looking however you want to look and not how the character on the box implies you should look. Or something... That, and it's about looking forward, beyond Day 1; even the name "Destiny" conveys that message, so it's obviously important.

Different tastes for different shakes.
by Leviathan , Hotel Zanzibar, Monday, September 30, 2013, 15:03 (4151 days ago) @ INSANEdrive
Is that even a saying?
I'm surprised even more at this. Clearness of the composition? Its a flat composition with peoples back at ya, and unused space. If I didn't know what I was looking at I wouldn't want to pick this game up just from visuals alone.
To me it's clean and iconic, and in a world of ridiculously busy covers, the simple stands out. I'm not saying its the best game cover of all time (that would be Halo 3), but I think it's a cool image, good enough for the standard edition. I'd say I like it better than Reach's final cover as it allows me to guess and imagine more about these characters, where as having them front and attention would just be saying "here they are folks." Now the silhouettes on the bottom of the planet teaser image for Reach on the other hand was fantastic and gave my imagination much more to do, which is an element of what I like about the Hunter here.
In fact, if I had a choice I would change the direction they were facing. I think it would be very interesting how Huge of a difference that would make.
Ah, their direction is the main reason I like it as I said above.
What I would have done is to make three different covers highlighting one class each with a reversible side showing off a more mysterious shot of the Traveler hanging over The Last City with Bungie's solar charts branching off of the sphere into the night sky towards obscure symbols representing the various factions and locations we will be fighting/exploring.

Different tastes for different shakes.
by INSANEdrive, ಥ_ಥ | f(ಠ‿↼)z | ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ| ¯\_(ツ)_/¯, Monday, September 30, 2013, 15:17 (4151 days ago) @ Leviathan
Is that even a saying?
To me it's clean and iconic, and in a world of ridiculously busy covers, the simple stands out. I'm not saying its the best game cover of all time (that would be Halo 3), but I think it's a cool image, good enough for the standard edition.
. . . and they just pull me back in . . .
I'm trying to align my designers eye to your artistic eye, and YOU AREN'T HELPING! Clean and Iconic?!? The placeholder was twice what this isn't as far as I can tell.
Ah, their direction is the main reason I like it as I said above.
What I would have done is to make three different covers highlighting one class each with a reversible side showing off a more mysterious shot of the Traveler hanging over The Last City with Bungie's solar charts branching off of the sphere into the night sky towards obscure symbols representing the various factions and locations we will be fighting/exploring.
Pics = Proof.

Different tastes for different shakes.
by Leviathan , Hotel Zanzibar, Monday, September 30, 2013, 15:57 (4151 days ago) @ INSANEdrive
I'm trying to align my designers eye to your artistic eye, and YOU AREN'T HELPING! Clean and Iconic?!? The placeholder was twice what this isn't as far as I can tell.
Comparing just those two images and disregarding their purpose, yeah the placeholder is indeed twice that clean and subtle and I love it. But comparing this new cover to what's on the shelves today is a different story. And like Beorn pointed out above, the placeholder, while cooler, says "2001: A Space Odyssey" and little else while this new cover says "cooperative sci-fi action game" which seems better suited for a standard edition video game cover.
Pics = Proof.
Heh, maybe when we get closer to the release I'll make some custom covers.
Sweet, however, surprising.
by GrimBrother IV, Monday, September 30, 2013, 10:39 (4151 days ago) @ Hedge
edited by GrimBrother IV, Monday, September 30, 2013, 10:43
I was expecting something much cleaner, like just the traveller. But im thinin the cinemaking we will get something like that on the special edition.
Still think it looks awesome though, reminds me very much of a poster youWould see in the cinema
Interesting design for a cover art. I wasn't expecting such a departure from the placeholder image that all the stores have been using. It shows sorta what the game's about to those who are not familiar. It has it's merits and I think it'll grow on people over time for those who are not fans of it, but I do like it. I think it's pretty good, everything fits together well. Makes me kind of excited for what the special edition box art is going to be like. Guess we might find out tomorrow.

At least I got the trailer part right.
by GrizzNKev, Down the street from Microsoft, Monday, September 30, 2013, 11:30 (4151 days ago) @ Hedge
Now all they have to do is give me a release date. Or at least a beta date.

by Chewbaccawakka , The Great Green Pacific Northwest!, Monday, September 30, 2013, 12:36 (4151 days ago) @ Hedge
I like it! Though like many here (apparently), I do prefer the placeholder image. But I'm always excited to see new art from Bungie, no matter what the occasion.

The Designer in me doesn't like it.
by INSANEdrive, ಥ_ಥ | f(ಠ‿↼)z | ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ| ¯\_(ツ)_/¯, Monday, September 30, 2013, 12:50 (4151 days ago) @ Hedge
These spaces feel unused. Unengaged. The cover also feels outside the design Bungie has been using for everything else. If Destiny is really so connected, I would have made it so that the underlying design for
everything matched up as well. I'm surprised at this cover choice.
TL;DR? - Rule of Three. Composition.

Good call
by ZackDark , Not behind you. NO! Don't look., Monday, September 30, 2013, 12:55 (4151 days ago) @ INSANEdrive
I could feel the Warlock and the Titan should be closer, but I couldn't quite put my finger on why.

I wouldn't be at all surprised...
by TTL Demag0gue
, Within the shadow of the Traveler, Monday, September 30, 2013, 13:06 (4151 days ago) @ INSANEdrive
...if this cover is all Activision. Among all the other complaints about it, this image just doesn't feel like it has as much of Bungie's influence, if that makes any kind of sense. I don't think it's a horrible cover, but I also don't think it's quite the homerun Activision's marketing department might hope it to be.

I wouldn't be at all surprised...
by Leviathan , Hotel Zanzibar, Monday, September 30, 2013, 15:05 (4151 days ago) @ TTL Demag0gue
...if this cover is all Activision. Among all the other complaints about it, this image just doesn't feel like it has as much of Bungie's influence, if that makes any kind of sense. I don't think it's a horrible cover, but I also don't think it's quite the homerun Activision's marketing department might hope it to be.
I don't know, I see a lot of Reach's cover in it...
Guessing we will see a release date or beta announcment.
by GrimBrother IV, Monday, September 30, 2013, 13:14 (4151 days ago) @ Hedge
- No text -

That is my guess too
by Xenos , Shores of Time, Monday, September 30, 2013, 13:26 (4151 days ago) @ GrimBrother IV
If they announce it tomorrow they will have waited the exact amount of time to make my release date guess contest valid :-D

PlayStation reveals Destiny boxart and info
by Zeouterlimits, Ireland, Monday, September 30, 2013, 14:21 (4151 days ago) @ Hedge
I get the need to explain what the game is quickly, but I just don't think this is a good version of it.
Other games have done it and still had attractive covers, I don't find this to be one of them.
But I'm guessing we'll be getting a nicer cover in the special editions.

Heroes with guns? Okay. But not like this.
by ncsuDuncan , Monday, September 30, 2013, 19:12 (4151 days ago) @ Hedge
Yes, I prefer the placeholder box art, but I'm already sold on the game - I understand why publishers want "heroes with guns" on the cover. To me, Ken Levine already won that argument.
I even understand the desire to have the Guardians facing away from us - there is no Master Chief in Destiny. We create our own characters, so it doesn't make sense for the box art to focus on "Potential Player Character #49".
I'm very disappointed in the execution of those two ideas though. Here's why:
Brand Confusion: The most obvious issue has already been brought up, but just to reiterate - are we sure that isn't Master Chief on the cover? I don't know which is worse, that something so obvious slipped past quality control or that it's intentional. I'll give Bungie the benefit of the doubt and assume this image came from someone that was too busy making awesome art to stop and watch the Halo 5 teaser.
Backwards-Compatibility: This goes with the last point, but that Hunter's pose is really unfortunate. Figuring out what direction this character is facing shouldn't require a careful inspection of his pistol grip. The helmet design and neutral stance aren't helping, nor is the fact that the cape completely obscures the left forearm.
Inconsistent Clip-art: I like the Warlock and Titan drawings. They look great and the artistic skill on display is top-notch. What I don't like is that the Traveler is done in a completely different art style - it makes the entire image look like a fan-made photoshop cut together from multiple sources.
Side note: I think the Traveler is the most iconic image from Destiny thus far, yet it's barely recognizable in this cover. :(
The three characters don't look like they're inhabiting the same space, and they certainly don't look like they're standing beneath the Traveler. Even Halo: Combat Evolved's box art did a better job of hiding the fact that it's a collage of independent art assets. I want something like Halo 2, 3, ODST, and Reach, where each cover looked like one cohesive piece of art.
Too much contrast: Are the Guardians walking into a foggy cloud? Why is a cape the most prominent object in the image?
Not enough contrast: This is perhaps my biggest personal gripe, because it's something so simple: the "DESTINY" text could really use a drop shadow or outer glow - anything to make it stand out from the cluttered high-contrast background. The "E" disappears into the fog, the "S" melts into the cape, while the "N" looks like it could be part of the Hunter's elbow.
Just my two cents. I know someone put a lot of work into creating this cover art, but I'll respectfully hold out hope for a different image on whatever limited edition box Destiny offers.
Heroes with guns? Okay. But not like this.
by GhaleonEB, Monday, September 30, 2013, 19:59 (4151 days ago) @ ncsuDuncan
I agree on all points. You've describe each tree in the forest, but to describe the forest for a moment:
This is Bungie's big, bold step into creating a new fictional universe. And upon first inspection, you'd be forgiven for thinking it's a cover for a new Halo game. Maybe even second inspection.
As you said, it takes Destiny's defining imagery and hides it, reducing it to clip art behind three poorly composited character images. No sense of adventure, of grandeur, of different.
It's three oddly placed characters with guns.
Heroes with guns? Okay. But not like this.
by Destiny Updates , Monday, September 30, 2013, 20:03 (4151 days ago) @ ncsuDuncan
Excellent points, I agree.

You know what we need? Reversible box art.
by ShadowOfTheVoid , South Carolina, Monday, September 30, 2013, 22:32 (4151 days ago) @ ncsuDuncan
Okay. So publishers say we need generic action hero shots for box art to sell games to low-information consumers and dudebros. I get that. So let's do what Irrational did with BioShock Infinite and have reversible covers for every game. That way, we have have something a little more distinctive for those of us who like that sort of thing.

You know what we need? Reversible box art.
by Leviathan , Hotel Zanzibar, Monday, September 30, 2013, 22:36 (4151 days ago) @ ShadowOfTheVoid
Okay. So publishers say we need generic action hero shots for box art to sell games to low-information consumers and dudebros. I get that. So let's do what Irrational did with BioShock Infinite and have reversible covers for every game. That way, we have have something a little more distinctive for those of us who like that sort of thing.
I'm seeing more and more movies and games do this, which is awesome. My Skyrim looks like this:
You know what we need? Reversible box art.
by Destiny Updates , Monday, September 30, 2013, 22:40 (4151 days ago) @ Leviathan
Okay. So publishers say we need generic action hero shots for box art to sell games to low-information consumers and dudebros. I get that. So let's do what Irrational did with BioShock Infinite and have reversible covers for every game. That way, we have have something a little more distinctive for those of us who like that sort of thing.
I'm seeing more and more movies and games do this, which is awesome. My Skyrim looks like this:
I never even noticed that my Skyrim had that! Awesome! Although I feel that Skyrim's cover is already pretty sweet, kind of elegant and minimalist I guess.

You know what we need? Reversible box art.
by Leviathan , Hotel Zanzibar, Monday, September 30, 2013, 23:06 (4151 days ago) @ Destiny Updates
I never even noticed that my Skyrim had that! Awesome! Although I feel that Skyrim's cover is already pretty sweet, kind of elegant and minimalist I guess.
Totally. Makes me wish it was real leather and smelled of old books...
You know what we need? Reversible box art.
by Destiny Updates , Tuesday, October 01, 2013, 01:57 (4151 days ago) @ Leviathan
I never even noticed that my Skyrim had that! Awesome! Although I feel that Skyrim's cover is already pretty sweet, kind of elegant and minimalist I guess.
Totally. Makes me wish it was real leather and smelled of old books...

Yours doesn't?
by SonofMacPhisto , Saturday, October 05, 2013, 13:32 (4146 days ago) @ Destiny Updates
Oh, right, I'm just insane.

You know what we need? Reversible box art.
by Ragashingo , Official DBO Cryptarch, Monday, September 30, 2013, 23:00 (4151 days ago) @ Leviathan
Ha. I'd seem that image behind my disk many times but never thought it was reversible art! Learn something new everyday!
You know what we need? Reversible box art.
by Destiny Updates , Tuesday, October 01, 2013, 01:58 (4151 days ago) @ Ragashingo
Ha. I'd seem that image behind my disk many times but never thought it was reversible art! Learn something new everyday!
Same here actually, hahaha! I thought it was a little thing just behind the disk, not the entire cover :P

You know what we need? Reversible box art.
by Grizzlei
, Pacific Cloud Zone, Earth, Monday, September 30, 2013, 22:39 (4151 days ago) @ ShadowOfTheVoid
I loved the reversible art for Bioshock: Infinite and wanted to use it, but an all-red spine stands out quite prominently with the white Xbox branding of all my other games. As long as it features the branding stuffs I'd love to have it for Destiny too!

You know what we need? Reversible box art.
by Kermit , Raleigh, NC, Tuesday, October 01, 2013, 08:07 (4150 days ago) @ ShadowOfTheVoid
I loved BioShock Infinite's reverse cover. With luck, Bungie will also do something like this:

Heroes with guns? Okay. But not like this.
by Cody Miller , Music of the Spheres - Never Forgot, Tuesday, October 01, 2013, 00:32 (4151 days ago) @ ncsuDuncan
Side note: I think the Traveler is the most iconic image from Destiny thus far, yet it's barely recognizable in this cover. :(
Done. Awesome box art. They had it already!
Heroes with guns? Okay. But not like this.
by broony, Tuesday, October 01, 2013, 03:03 (4151 days ago) @ Cody Miller
Yeah as Duncan said, the problem with that traveller design, from a commercial point of view, is it doesn't visually describe the game enough.
It looks amazing, but it tells you zero about what the game is about and it wouldn't work from a commercial point of view. They had to have some sort of action, guns, heros theme.

I liked the placeholder art better.
by ShadowOfTheVoid , South Carolina, Monday, September 30, 2013, 19:12 (4151 days ago) @ Hedge
It's simple but unique. The new art just gets lost in the sea of same-y "Generic FPS Hero Pose." It's getting to be as bad as the orange-blue contrast crap that afflicts movie posters these days.