Guardian Radio Episode 72 08/05/14 (Fan Creations)
Episode 72: http://theguardiansofdestiny.com/2014/08/05/guardian-radio-episode-72/
iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/guardian-radio/id607799620?mt=2
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LIVE on Twitch Mondays at 10:30PM EST / 7:30PM PST: http://www.twitch.tv/guardianradio
Episode 72
Put away your Ghosts and get ready for Episode 72 of Guardian Radio. This week Remy Auxillary from GuardianOne.net stops by to help share a big announcement about the future of our two sites. We kick the show off with Byf filling everyone in with details about his big trip to ‘Murica. He has been to Bungie and to the Seattle Children’s Hospital and helps shed some light on what the Hospital brings to the lives of many children and their families. In Destiny news we break down the latest Bungie Weekly Update including the incredible Beta stats and details about the end game of Destiny. All this and more as we continue down the road to launch.
Don’t forget to send in your questions and topics to us to feedback@theguardiansofdestiny.com. You can also hit us up on Twitter @GuardiansofD. If you enjoy the show you can subscribe to it on iTunes. Be sure to hit us up with a rating and review while you’re there. Join us for the LIVE recording of each episode every Monday on http://www.twitch.tv/guardianradio at 10:30PM EST/ 7:30PM PST. If you can’t catch the LIVE recording you can catch a replay with the Twitch chat on our YouTube channel. As always…Guardians! Embrace your Destiny!