
DestinyRaider.net - VoG Walkthough feedback (Destiny)

by CruelLEGACEY @, Toronto, Thursday, January 22, 2015, 10:35 (3521 days ago)

I've made some major progress with DestinyRaider.net this week. The in-depth written guide for the Vault of Glass is mostly complete. It's still missing maps and a few other images, but the text and videos are all in place.

That being said, if anyone is willing/able to take some time and look over the guide, I'd very much appreciate any feedback I can get.

Keep in mind that this guide is meant to be an all-encompassing, detailed and thorough guide. I will be adding quick-reference pages for people who just need help with specific little things without doing a bunch of reading. But this guide is for first time raiders or people who want to really dig in and get as much info as possible.

VoG Walkthrough - Part 1 (Waking Ruins)
VoG Walkthrough - Part 2 (Trial of Kabr)
VoG Walkthrough - Part 3 (Templar's Well)
VoG Walkthrough - Part 4 (Gorgons' Labyrinth)
VoG Walkthrough - Part 5 (Vault of Glass)


DestinyRaider.net - VoG Walkthough feedback

by petetheduck, Friday, January 23, 2015, 07:19 (3520 days ago) @ CruelLEGACEY

I feel like it started to break down once you got to the jumping puzzle. Your descriptions started to get more long-winded and that led them to be confusing; I have the advantage of knowing exactly what to do, but I had trouble following along in spots.

I would recommend that instead of discussing the variety of strategies, you encourage a particular plan/path. I.E., for Gatekeeper, have your guide specifically detail past portal first, split the team to cover center, and move on future portal. More advanced teams can improvise on their own to run the portals simultaneously, they don't really need a guide.


DestinyRaider.net - VoG Walkthough feedback

by Vortech @, A Fourth Wheel, Friday, January 23, 2015, 14:26 (3520 days ago) @ petetheduck

I was going to recommend using headers to visually separate alternative strategies, but I suppose this removes the problem by the roots.

Also, in no particular order:

The menu bar wraps the last 2 boxes down onto a second line, I assume that's not intended.

Some of the text content exists only in an image. I generally recommend against this for accessibility reasons. it means the text can't be called up properly or accessed at all by a screen reader. (also there's no alt text to describe the image which could be another possible solution.) I understand why this would be a low priority for a video game walkthrough, but lots of people can benefit from these technologies, even if they are not totally blind.

I'm glad there's an index at the bottom of every page of the walkthrough. Maybe have it at the top of the body as well, for easy navigation if they were linked into the middle of the guide by someone?

Considering the importance and repetition of using the shield well, it may be a good idea to spend some time in the Templar instruction explaining the different features of the shield and how you would use them effectively in different situations.

It's probably a good idea to distinguish between alerting a gorgon so that they start to seek for you and being spotted by a Gorgon so that the gaze begins as two different events.


Great feedback from both of you. Thanks!

by CruelLEGACEY @, Toronto, Friday, January 23, 2015, 15:16 (3519 days ago) @ Vortech

Regarding your specific comment about the relic, my plan is to have a separate page dedicated specifically to the relic and how to use it, then link to that page any time the relic comes up in the guide. Do you think that would work? Or is it better to put the relic tutorial directly into the guide?


Great feedback from both of you. Thanks!

by Vortech @, A Fourth Wheel, Friday, January 23, 2015, 18:44 (3519 days ago) @ CruelLEGACEY

Nah. I think breaking it out it the better idea.


Follow up question

by CruelLEGACEY @, Toronto, Friday, January 23, 2015, 15:40 (3519 days ago) @ petetheduck

Thanks a lot, Pete. Appreciate you taking the time to go over it.

A follow-up question for you (and anyone else reading this):

I'm having a tough time with the final portion of the guide (everything after the jump puzzle). I'm torn as to how to approach it. On the one hand, it would be far simpler and easier to follow if I write a step-by-step guide, detailing a specific strategy, and that's it.
Faster to read, easier to understand.

What pulled me away from this is my experience playing with 1st time raiders. We'd give specific instructions: go here, shoot that, then run over here. But as soon as anything happened that wasn't part of the plan, they were lost. There was a lot of "I don't understand what just happened" because they didn't know why they were doing anything.

So my hope is that by explaining the mechanics behind the encounter, readers will understand what they're doing better. That way they'll be able to improvise and adjust when they need to.

BUT... I've clearly not done a good enough job explaining that section of the raid. Even I get confused when I read it lol.

All that being said, am I way off? Would it just be better to give basic step by step directions and skip the more general explanations?


Follow up question

by Vortech @, A Fourth Wheel, Friday, January 23, 2015, 18:50 (3519 days ago) @ CruelLEGACEY

Tell the strategy summary, and then explain the mechanics. It will be huge, but they can just read the first part if they lack patience.


Follow up question

by CruelLEGACEY @, Toronto, Friday, January 23, 2015, 20:53 (3519 days ago) @ Vortech

Tell the strategy summary, and then explain the mechanics. It will be huge, but they can just read the first part if they lack patience.

That's a great idea, thanks. I'll rework that part of the guide.

Also, regarding the images with text in them: those are placeholder. I'm working on some code that will let me place actual text over background images mid-page. As soon as I have that ready, I'll swap them out. :)

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