Forum Tips and Tricks
General guidelines to improve your forum livelihood
- Don't post or link to leaked content.
- Try to remember tags like *SP* (for spoilers) and *IMG* (for images that might slow down someone's pageload). If you really must post something off-topic remember *OT* or *sOT* (for sort-of off-topic) in your title.
- Got some news or found a new trick? If you're not glued to DBO day and night, why not use the search functions around the site to make sure it's not already old news?
- Don't feed trolls. They'll always be around, but let's try and keep them under the bridges where they belong.
- Be optimistic, open-minded, and friendly or we will kick your ass. Seriously though, this is the internet. There are no longer a thousand visual or audio cues helping with your communications like in real life, so try to be clear with your tone and attitude.
- No whining or negative nancys until at least the second sequel! Critiquing isn't bad, just the opposite actually, but why not keep it constructive? Remember why you're here: you probably love something about Bungie or Destiny!
- If you're new to Bungie.Org, forums, or would like to see some more accepted guidelines, read Red Loser's Anti-Spamming Guide. This is Bungie.Org 101 right here!
Hints for the Grizzled HBOers
- Html is no longer your friend - remember to use the formatting tools to the right to help you fancy up your posts.
- When linking, be sure to include "http://" or else it will think you're directing it towards somewhere on Destiny.Bungie.Org
- There are no *NM* posts with this forum format.