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Search results for tag 'Bungie'

Showing results 76 - 100 of 116 matches

Doing the PR Dance

IGN contacted a bunch of game developers to ask them what they thought about the Xbox One. Eric 'Urk' Osborne responded from Bungie - and oddly enough, his response references Sony more prominently than Microsoft. I guess you can interpret this to mean that Bungie views the next generation as the next generation (rather than as individual consoles)... or maybe it's just that MS hasn't really involved Bungie in its rollout of the new platform. It'll be interesting to see how front-and-center Destiny is in the upcoming Xbox One promotional PR. If you have input on this, Mr Daax (who initially brought this article to our attention) kicked off a thread on our forum - chime in!

Claude Errera | Jun 3, 2013 11:43 am | link

And the strength of the mail is in the sack

bungie_mailsack.jpgNew mailsack. Go read it. Your cries for love and answers fall not on deaf ears, but on eager fingers. Go see what they type for you.

GrimBrother One | May 24, 2013 04:22 pm | link

One Destiny

hope.pngWith the recent unveiling of the new Xbox One console from Microsoft, Bungie confirmed that Destiny will indeed be launching on four platforms: Xbox One, Xbox 360, PS4, and PS3. Not surprising, but still great to hear confirmed!

GrimBrother One | May 21, 2013 11:09 am | link

Secrets of the bungie mobile app

Bungie Mobile App users were recently greeted with a bug fix update for Android and iOS devices - some users discovered that they now had the ability to read and post on the forums directly from the app. According to DeeJ, a small group of frequent forum users have been granted access to the test version of the mobile forums. Don't worry, the update will continue to rollout to more users, eventually. Thanks, Xenos.

colindosaj | May 15, 2013 03:33 pm | link

Brewing a new buzz at Bungie

boushh.pngOver at Buzzfeed, Community Contributor HefferBrew put up a great piece about Destiny on their "Things We're Stoked For" feature. It's a great read and a passionate look at what one author hopes will be a new evolution in online gaming experiences. Definitely go and check it out!

GrimBrother One | May 14, 2013 09:54 am | link

Sack up and ship out

bungie_mailsack.jpgBungie has sounded the horn and put out the call for the latest Mail Sack. Heed its instructions and release your queries! 

GrimBrother One | May 13, 2013 09:50 am | link

Audiobook by RUL

Greenskull is back with video recapping and verbalizing much of the new Destiny content that Bungie recently added to their website. Go and give it a look and listen, and see what the RUL crew thinks!

GrimBrother One | May 11, 2013 05:14 am | link

Our Destiny Becomes Just a Bit Clearer

The great Guardians at Bungie saw fit to pull back the veil just a touch regarding their new universe, as they have begun beefing up the Destiny section of (they are not Go and see for yourself new information on story, landscapes, and even some new enemy variants. Can it please be out already?! Go look!

GrimBrother One | May 9, 2013 03:45 pm | link

Staying Up, and Feeling Good

This was also posted on our sister site at HBO, but warrants a mention here as well, considering the love and thanks bestowed specifically on Bungie by member Mr Daax. He's crafted the latest entry on the Ago of Gratitude site, and it's a great read. Check it out, as well as a ton of other stories that will bring you back and give you warm fuzzies and awesome memories. Go look!

TAGS: Bungie, Thanks, AoG
GrimBrother One | May 6, 2013 01:42 pm | link

At Bungie, Even the Weather Reports are Epic

Only our Guardians of the Seventh Column can make a sunny day seem like so much more. From their Twitter feed:

"It's amazing how the light of the unshielded daystar improves the mood at Bungie sevenfold. People are blissed out to be wearing shades."

And people wonder why we love them...hope.png

GrimBrother One | May 6, 2013 10:52 am | link

Hmm... Bungie, or Nordstrom?

Josh LeBow is a member of Bungie's IT team - he's one of the people responsible for the network environment you'll live in when you're playing Destiny. Go read the latest Breaking In article at for details on who he is, where he came from (GO JUMBOS), and why he's thrilled to be where he's at.

Claude Errera | Apr 16, 2013 10:38 am | link

You have eight days to save the world.

When a thread appeared last month on our forum from stevrrr, the maker of the recently released 'Gnop' tribute, there was excitement when talk turned to the idea of a remake for Pathways into Darkness. It was very, very hard to keep my mouth shut at that point, knowing that just such a remake was already in the queue at the Apple Store... but I did what I was told, and said nothing. Approval took a little longer than expected (even though this remake had Bungie's blessing, Apple needed to be thorough), but it's available for download now, and if you have a Mac, you should grab a copy. It is free, it has been lovingly crafted by the same people that brought you Marathon on Xbox LIVE Arcade, and it plays EXACTLY as I remember it. My hat goes off to Mark Levin and Bruce Morrison for this blast from the past! (And be sure to swing by, which is still maintained by Hamish Sinclair and will almost certainly be seeing new traffic soon!)

Claude Errera | Apr 9, 2013 08:52 am | link

Neither Snow Nor Rain...

Gamespot visited a handful of Seattle based game studios, including Bungie, to find out what makes the area so attractive to developers (it's obviously the weather.) Go find out what they have to say!

colindosaj | Apr 8, 2013 12:11 pm | link

Denying the Dark Side

The latest Breaking In article at shines the bright lights at James Schomer, a relative newcomer to Bungie whose area of expertise is Investment Design. (No, that has nothing to do with planning out your portfolio. Well, not really.) Give it a read to see how he got to where he is, and what it is that he's doing now!

Claude Errera | Apr 4, 2013 12:03 pm | link

Destiny at GDC 2013

Bungie's GDC presentation, Brave New World: New Bungie IP, will be available for viewing live on Gamespot today at 4:00 p.m. Pacific. Delivered by Christopher Barrett and Joseph Staten, the hour-long presentation will give an insight into the process of designing and building the worlds of Destiny, from concept to production. While the talk is certainly focused toward game developers, many in the community will be interested to peek behind the curtain and catch some new perspectives on Destiny to tease our imaginations and fuel our collective speculation.

The livestream page currently has a countdown, but should automatically update once the session starts. And if you missed it previously, the official bulletin can be found on the GDC session page. Thanks to rliebherr for the Gamespot link reminder in the forum!

Beorn | Mar 28, 2013 09:32 am | link

Capes, Junior Mints, and Dreams about DeeJ

bungie_mailsack.jpgBungie's latest Mail Sack went live this evening - and it kicks right off with info about their GDC talk next week, including the tantalizing fact that it will be streamed, live, by Gamespot. w00t! That's followed up by a wide variety of questions (and answers) about the game, the studio, and the developers themselves. Absolutely worth a read! Thanks, Xenos.

TAGS: bungie, mail, sack
Claude Errera | Mar 22, 2013 08:24 pm | link

When in doubt, roll for save

Play4Real talked to a few FPS developers about hit detection - and ways to avoid having imperfect netcode ruin the online experience for users. Jason Jones confirms that luck will play a part in Destiny - go read! Thanks, Xenos. Update: Heh. Looks like I got trolled. Thanks, Monochron.

Claude Errera | Mar 21, 2013 08:36 pm | link

The Fract of the Matter

Mr Daax on our own forums brought up a very cool TED Talk video regarding the nature of mathematical fractals.  The talk itself focuses on the fractal integration of African designs, but there is a particular section (approximately 10:50-14:00) that Destiny fans might find particularly interesting, especially those that involved themselves in the latest Destiny ARG. If you are wondering about geomancy and geomantic symbols, this is a very cool video to check out! Might we see more patterns like this creep up in Destiny's future? We'll see!

GrimBrother One | Mar 18, 2013 01:57 pm | link

The Great Mail Sacking

heroics.pngDeeJ opened up another mail sack thread on Bnet - go ahead and ask a question, or else...

TAGS: bungie, mail, sack
colindosaj | Mar 18, 2013 12:02 pm | link

The Ides of Mail Sack

DeeJ has posted a new Mail Sack over on, go give it a read and check out a new round of great questions and answers for this week. Thanks to Xenos for the heads-up in the forum!

TAGS: Mail, Sack, Bungie
Beorn | Mar 15, 2013 06:17 pm | link

Brave New World: New Bungie IP

In two weeks, Bungie's Chris Barrett and Joe Staten will take the stage at the 2013 Game Developers Conference, and discuss Destiny in front of a pretty sophisticated audience.

In a presentation filled with concept art and design case studies, attendees will learn about Bungie's world building pillars, and see how these were put to use to create Bungie's next great universe of games.

The talk focuses on art and design collaboration - if you're lucky enough to be able to attend, you'll get a flavor of what Bungie's trying to do with this new property!

TAGS: Bungie, GDC, Talk
Claude Errera | Mar 13, 2013 02:08 pm | link

Sacking the Mail

DeeJ wanted to remind you that your opportunity to contribute to this week's Mail Sack has not passed; he was moving yesterday, so the call for questions went up today. Get involved!

TAGS: Bungie, Mail, Sack
Claude Errera | Mar 12, 2013 01:01 pm | link

Plans Within Plans Within Plans

It's Friday, which means another Mail Sack has dropped on! There's a great assortment of Destiny-related questions from the community today, so drop by and give it a read.

Thanks to bluerunner for the heads-up on the forum.

Beorn | Mar 8, 2013 02:27 pm | link

Psst... wanna test a game?

Yesterday, Dave Candland reminded people that if you're interested in beta-testing Destiny, swing by their Bungie Beta Tester page and sign up - trying other ways to get your hands on the game early will not be successful.

TAGS: Bungie, Beta
Claude Errera | Mar 7, 2013 12:55 pm | link

Breaking In: Micah Zahm has a new Breaking In article today with Micah Zahm, technical artist at Bungie. Give it a read to discover about the pyrotechnic programmer-gone-artist who solves tricky problems every day to bring Destiny closer to us!

Beorn | Mar 5, 2013 12:59 pm | link

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