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Search results for tag 'community'

Showing results 26 - 40 of 40 matches

Community Interview: Nak3d Eli

After the show floor closed on the last day of E3, we ran into community member Nak3d Eli amidst the throng of forlorn people leaving the convention center. Take a moment and see what he had to say about Destiny's presence at the expo.

ncsuDuncan | Jun 24, 2013 08:25 pm | link

Community Interview: Stephen Laughlin

We caught up with community member Stephen Laughlin and asked him to share his thoughts on Destiny and E3 overall. Check it out!

colindosaj | Jun 20, 2013 03:24 pm | link

The hunter becomes the sculpted

Javelin's Hunter

The latest Community Focus throws the spotlight on talented 3D artist Dustin Gagner, also known to the community as Javelin. Dustin created a fantastic digital sculpt of a Hunter, which prompted DeeJ to give him the third degree. After reading through the interview, be sure to check out more of Dustin's work at his portfolio site or in this thread.

ncsuDuncan | Jun 19, 2013 08:25 pm | link

There at the start

moreconsole.jpgYouTuber More Console is the subject of this week's Community Focus over at - go swing by and read about what drove him into Destiny fandom, and where he sees things going!

Claude Errera | May 28, 2013 11:50 am | link Community Focus: Destiny News

Destiny News is the center of this week's Community Focus at - go check out what Tim (aka Sam Hawks) has to say about why he started up a Destiny news site, and what he hopes to see in the near future! (And definitely check out the site, if you haven't. Lots of good stuff there.)

Claude Errera | May 21, 2013 02:04 pm | link

Community Focus: Inside Destiny

DeeJ has posted the latest Community Focus over at; this time the subject is community member Arbitor 5 and his blog Go read about how this unique fan site operates!

ncsuDuncan | May 1, 2013 08:51 pm | link

Community Focus: threesided

This week's Community Focus at shines the spotlight on threesided, who has been treating the community to gorgeous Destiny-themed artwork for the last couple of months (and making waves in the process). Inspiring!


Beorn | Apr 23, 2013 09:28 am | link

Community Focus: Destiny Hub

The latest Bungie Community Spotlight puts Destiny Hub front and center - the team talk about their reasons for creating the site as well as their goals moving forward.

The experience shouldn't end when you're not in game. Joining an online community can help you find like-minded players and expose you to more of what you love about the game.

Go welcome our newest family members and pay attention, they're on to something.

colindosaj | Apr 17, 2013 02:15 pm | link

Bungie Community Focus: Jordan Evans

Whoa, I've been scooped! Today's Community Focus over at is on Jordan Evans... a man who's created some truly spectacular Destiny fan art. Swing by and read the interview, and check out an amazing vision of a Fallen captain! (And then keep your eyes peeled for our own Fan Art gallery, which should have opened this weekend, if not for some unforeseen real-life situations... it will have more of Jordan's work!)

Claude Errera | Apr 2, 2013 01:11 pm | link

Community Focus: Guardians of Destiny

Bungie's latest community focus shines on Guardians of Destiny, a group that is currently best known for its podcast covering Destiny news. There are plans afoot, however, plans that will grow the site as the game gets nearer - swing by and read the interview for more details!

Claude Errera | Mar 27, 2013 07:58 am | link

Community Focus: Ready Up Live

Yesterday was Tuesday, and Tuesday is Community Focus day at - swing by to read about Ready Up Live from one of its founders, Greenskull. He wants to give you Destiny news... with a smile on his face!

Claude Errera | Mar 20, 2013 10:58 am | link

Community Focus: Reddit

The latest Bungie Community Spotlight is shining on Reddit - a site where the public decides how visible any particular newsbit remains. Various Redditors weigh in on Destiny, and the Destiny Subreddit - a fine place to lose a bunch of hours! Go give it a read - and check out the cat collage!

Claude Errera | Mar 13, 2013 02:00 pm | link

Community Focus:

rnetlogo.pngBungie's got a new Community Focus online - this one is an interview with Narcogen, the man behind If your entrance to the Bungie community came less than, say, a decade ago, you might not know where this site came from - but Narc is happy to help you learn! Go read.

Claude Errera | Mar 7, 2013 12:59 pm | link

They care. They really care!

Some people wonder why we'd put so much effort into a community fansite - a new spotlight over at might shed some light on that conundrum. Thanks, DeeJ.

Claude Errera | Feb 28, 2013 10:43 am | link



mastrbiggy posted something interesting in the wee hours this morning for the community to play with. I wonder where it goes...

Beorn | Feb 22, 2013 12:19 pm | link

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