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Search results for tag 'e3'

Showing results 51 - 74 of 74 matches

PlayStation Interview with DeeJ

This one managed to slip through the cracks! Back on Tuesday, Bungie did an encore performance of the Destiny demo on the Sony stage at E3, followed by a PlayStation Blog interview with DeeJ. You can catch the whole presentation below, or you can skip straight to the interview at 15:12 (thanks, Xenos).

TAGS: e3, deej, sony
Beorn | Jun 15, 2013 07:44 am | link

Bungie's E3 Day 2 Videos

In addition to the Ronut video from yesterday, Bungie has posted three more E3 Day 2 videos on their YouTube page! Give them a gander:

TAGS: e3
Beorn | Jun 14, 2013 01:32 pm | link

It's All About the Ronut, Baby

Bungie has posted a Day 2 E3 ReCap Video; this episode features an animation about the Traveler arriving in the Solar System, accompanied by some beautiful Marty music. (Thanks, MrDaax).

Beorn | Jun 13, 2013 08:18 pm | link

Polygon Goes In-Depth with Destiny

polygon.pngPolygon has an in-depth article from E3 covering Destiny and what its success means to Bungie. It's a well-written article that covers a lot of content and takes a slightly different tack than most of the E3 coverage we've seen. It even sounds like they may have had some hands-on time with the demo! If you only read one article about Destiny from E3 this week, this article should be on the short list. (Thanks, Xenos).

Beorn | Jun 13, 2013 05:57 pm | link

DBO On the Bungie E3 Day 1 Recap!

Our Grizzled Ancient and his fearless Vanguard were prominently featured in Bungie's "E3 Day 1: ReCap" video! Thanks for noticing, Spawn!

TAGS: e3, dbo
Beorn | Jun 13, 2013 05:51 pm | link

E3 Coverage

Mid7night was been recording his week at E3 and has posted some videos and images for all of us to be jealous of check out!

Additionally, if you haven't been following the Vanguard Report, be sure to hop over there to see some E3 photos from the DBO crew.

Be sure to check out both!

Beorn | Jun 13, 2013 05:47 pm | link

DeeJ's Video Tricornucopia

The ever-darling DeeJ has seen fit to bestow upon our awaiting earballs and eyeholes a minor trilogy of video featurettes chronicling the early goings of E3 setup and facilitation. Take a look at Booth, Press Rooms, and Rehearsal. May the Vanguard watch over you with vigilance and mercy as you view them.

TAGS: Bungie, E3, DeeJ, Video
GrimBrother One | Jun 12, 2013 03:55 pm | link

DBO at E3: Day One Photo Dump

DBO at E3

We've finally started uploading traveler content to our Vanguard Report page, beginning with a gallery of photos taken on Monday as DBO invaded the Microsoft and Sony press conferences. We also have a few shots from Tuesday's excursion to the Expo floor, so be sure to browse through to the end. There are more photo dumps to come (and maybe something more literary), so keep an eye on the Vanguard Report!

TAGS: E3, photo, gallery
ncsuDuncan | Jun 12, 2013 03:28 pm | link

GameInformer Interview with Harold Ryan

The Bungie Away Team is busy this week; the latest interview to hit our screens is GameInformer talking to Harold Ryan. Note that they've edited-out the questions, so it's just Harold giving answers back-to-back. The editing sort of breaks the continuity of the demo, but the piece still offers some fresh perspective on the news that we've been hearing out of E3.

Beorn | Jun 12, 2013 11:58 am | link

Weapons While You Wait

Hand Cannon

The line for the Destiny booth has a neat slideshow showing off an armful of the weapons you can see in the demo. DattoDoesDestiny put together a video that'll give you the rundown, so check it out! (Thanks, electricpirate.)

TAGS: E3, weapons
ncsuDuncan | Jun 12, 2013 08:13 am | link

Adam Sessler Interviews Joe Staten

Adam Sessler hosted a great interview with Joe Staten yesterday. It's the same format we've seen before with the interview happening over the E3 demo and Adam asks some good questions while letting Joe expand on the discussion. Be sure to give this one a viewing! Thanks (again), electricpirate!

Beorn | Jun 12, 2013 07:20 am | link

Machinima Interview with Pete Parsons

The E3 Destiny interviews are rolling in! Bruce Green from Machinima talked to Pete Parsons yesterday for about 15 minutes, covering an array of topics including the campaign/multiplayer dynamic and the scale of playable space in Destiny (among others). Thanks, electricpirate.

Beorn | Jun 12, 2013 06:49 am | link

Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's loot

polygon.pngPolygon has some comments from Harold Ryan about the thought process behind the gameplay demo showing at E3, as well as some tidbits about the loot system in Destiny - swing by and give it a read!

TAGS: polygon, e3, ryan
Claude Errera | Jun 12, 2013 06:51 am | link

GameSpot Interview with Joe Staten

GameSpot sat down with Joe Staten today and talked to him about Destiny while running through the E3 demo. There are some great pieces of information in there, but this gem at the very beginning (when the camera is panning across the landscape) will be of particular interest to many fans,

This is all coming right out our engine. All that stuff, if you ran out there, it's all playable terrain. I mean, it's just a really powerful new engine that we've [built for Destiny].

Beorn | Jun 11, 2013 07:15 pm | link

Destiny Lands at E3

The Vanguard Report E3 2013

We got our first taste of real, live Destiny gameplay last night during the Sony E3 Press Conference, and boy what a show it was! While we wait for the official downloadable Gameplay Demo video from Bungie, you can relive the experience over on IGN in crisp 720p. In addition, Activision put together a gameplay trailer that has a few different elements from last night's presentation and showcases Destiny's music a little better. Be sure to check out both!

In addition, the DBO crew on-site at E3 will be updating The Vanguard Report with more information and impressions from the show floor, so be sure to keep an eye on those pages this week!

Update: We've also mirrored the screenshots and video in our Official Media section.

Beorn | Jun 11, 2013 09:40 am | link

New Ways to Keep in Touch

Some of you might have noticed the small Facebook icon in the upper-right corner of this page - we've set up a Facebook page to give you yet another way of interacting with us. Following this page will give you access to our news, so if Facebook is your social media of choice, have at it! The other big change is a subsite we've set up for rapid updates - we call it the Vanguard Report, and we'll be using it this week from Los Angeles to bring you the latest E3 tidbits, large or small. (There are a significant contingent of DBO staff in LA to cover this event - so assuming we can drag ourselves away from the festivities long enough to post updates, we should be able to keep you informed all week long.) Brace yourselves - the next few days should be amazing!

TAGS: site, e3, prep
Claude Errera | Jun 10, 2013 06:18 am | link

Wrapping up the known

Greenskull has posted a video looking at the last few Mail Sacks, as well as recapping what's expected from E3, Destiny-wise - watch it to get prepared!

Claude Errera | Jun 10, 2013 05:57 am | link

The Calm Before E3 - Fan Made Trailer

UncookedMoa edited together a Destiny E3 teaser trailer - check it out!

TAGS: trailer, fan, teaser, e3
colindosaj | Jun 10, 2013 01:16 am | link

Sittin' On a Space Couch, Chatting About Destiny

starside-lounge_episode-zero.jpgBlack is white, square is round, the world is upside down, and DBO is proud to present our pilot episode of The Starside Lounge, a handcrafted podcast for the discerning DBO community! If your ears are up to the task, you can download the MP3 from here (right now it's manual, but we'll be setting up a podcast feed with our next episode). 

For a little over an hour, we discuss Bungie's E3 gameplay reveal, Destiny platforms, character classes and customization, micro-transactions, The Law of the Jungle, and more. Check it out, we hope you enjoy it!

Now with more YouTube!

Beorn | Jun 9, 2013 02:23 pm | link

When you fish upon the stars

When Hedge is excited, the birds fly lighter, the tides rise higher, the chocolate tastes sweeter, the kiss lasts longer, the love grows stronger. When Hedge is excited, we are excited.

GrimBrother One | Jun 8, 2013 01:03 pm | link

Shirts and Streams

E3 Collection

If you need somewhere to watch the Sony Press Conference on Monday, DeeJ has you covered with the E3 hub. It sounds like the page will be updated throughout the week as new content becomes available. In the meantime, there are eight new Destiny shirts in the Bungie store up for preorder (with release coming on June 11th). Colorful duds await!

TAGS: e3, shirts
ncsuDuncan | Jun 7, 2013 08:28 pm | link

Gearing up for Sony's Press Conference

playstationlogo.jpgSony's blog contains information on how/when to watch the livestreamed press conference this coming Monday - and for a very lucky few, how to get in to see the conference in person. Festivities start at 5:30 Pacific (earlier if you're trying to get in the door) - so go read and set yourself up! Destiny will be there! Thanks, Xenos.

Claude Errera | Jun 6, 2013 06:14 am | link

Home Is Where The Art Is

PS3 Theme

The official PlayStation Blog has revealed a number of downloadable goodies that will be available to PS3 owners during E3 next week; one of the items is a "Destiny Dynamic Theme" (i.e. animated background) for your PS3. It sounds like you'll have to log in to PlayStation Home to snag this - check this page for more details. (Thanks, Hedgem0ny)

TAGS: e3, ps3, theme
ncsuDuncan | Jun 5, 2013 07:21 pm | link

Gunslingers Out of Darkness

ttl.pngThe Tied the Leader clan is a fantastic example of like-minded gamers getting together to enhance the community gaming experience. TTL Demag0gue (who staffs our own Destiny site, as well as being a Gunslinger) asked a number of his clanmates what they're looking forward to when Bungie lifts (a part of) the veil next week at E3 - swing by and read the answers!

TAGS: gunslingers, on, E3
Claude Errera | Jun 4, 2013 01:16 pm | link

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