Showing results 51 - 57 of 57 matches
Destiny Updates took his time and broke down the Bungie Podcast - his summary boils down the hourlong discussion to an 11 minute series of highlights. As always, he's done a fantastic job of paying close attention and teasing interesting tidbits from Bungie's intentionally vague hints, tying together older info with new content. Go give it a watch!
Destiny Updates continues their in-depth analysis with their microscope aimed at yesterday's Community Thank You video. Teleporting, energy knives, and more insanity. I feel like we've seen more of how Destiny really plays in yesterday's quick glimpse than ever before.
A few days ago, Bungie rolled out a new update for their Mobile App. Android users have already been hit with it (you now have access to Bungie.Net Forums and Groups), while iOS users will be getting another upgrade soon. Bungie Mobile keeps slowly building - what will it be like when Destiny finally hits?
Personally, I'm imagining Guardians taking selfies in their bathrooms and throwing instagram filters on their photos of the Venus Gardens...but I think I might be wrong.
Destiny Updates stopped by our forum to announce his analysis of the E3 Gameplay Trailer - he walks through the trailer and points out all sorts of details you may have missed (I know I certainly missed a few). Go watch - and see what speculation inspires YOUR imagination!
Destiny Updates stopped in to announce an analysis of the Destiny weapon/armor information screens, as shown at E3. Pretty nice rundown - check it out, you may have missed some of this!
Bungie Mobile App users were recently greeted with a bug fix update for Android and iOS devices - some users discovered that they now had the ability to read and post on the forums directly from the app. According to DeeJ, a small group of frequent forum users have been granted access to the test version of the mobile forums. Don't worry, the update will continue to rollout to more users, eventually. Thanks, Xenos.
ncsuDuncan posted an update for our logo search - it contains a really easy-to-follow summary of current submissions, plus some clarifications that folks may have missed along the way. Definitely worth a read; there are still a couple of days left if you've got a great idea you want to put forth!