No way! (Off-Topic)

by Avateur @, Friday, December 18, 2015, 19:08 (3087 days ago) @ Funkmon

During a Star Wars trivia event, my trivia team was aghast at my ranking.

When I was a kid, I liked Empire and Return more than Star Wars. Now, I don't. Not sure what changed.

I think Star Wars is a perfect film. I don't think a single thing could be added to make it better. I also think Raiders of the Lost Ark is a perfect movie, while we're on Lucasfilm perfect movies.

I disagree on perfect film for IV, but I do call it a perfect script. I do totally agreed on Raiders (and I love Raiders to death), but my favorite is Last Crusade.

I watched Empire again this year and it's exactly what I remember from last time I watched it, last year, for the trivia event. Boring. It's a great movie, but it's boring. Return of the Jedi, in my opinion, is only a good movie. The Ewoks are dumb and half the movie is just the last half of Star Wars intercut with cool lightsabers. Again, good, but not great.

The boring argument for V is valid, but that also adds to why the movie is so great. It doesn't have to rely on explosions and flashing lights and endless action to attempt to maintain the audience's attention. Its writing, story, characterization, editing, and cinematography is just brilliant as a whole. Does that unfortunately lead to boring parts? Yes. But the movie as a whole is much greater for the parts where it slows down, in my opinion.

As for the Jedi argument, can't argue with that! But it sure is fun, right? It could have been soulless and trite. I'm so glad it's not. Sometimes good is just fine.

The Phantom Menace is also a good movie, and if I see it on TV, you bet your ass I'm watching the podracing and the Darth Maul fight, which is, in my opinion, one of the best fights I've ever seen. I really liked Phantom Menace. It also had dumb stuff in it which brings it down, but the highs really outweigh the lows to me in that movie.

I can't disagree with you enough on this one, but I will agree with you when it comes to the Darth Maul fight. Podracing went on for too long. You know that thing about Empire being boring? The podracing parts of Phantom Menace are too boring for me. Just way too much of the movie spent on it.

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