
I think you missed my point (Destiny)

by CruelLEGACEY @, Toronto, Monday, February 01, 2016, 00:04 (3029 days ago) @ narcogen
edited by CruelLEGACEY, Monday, February 01, 2016, 00:21

So Iron Banner has always favoured those who play as a group over those who go in solo. Knowing this, and knowing that you need to win in order to rank up, Bungie added bounties that allow players to make progress towards their IB rank even if they aren't winning games. Makes perfect sense, right?

So then why the f$@king f$&@ do they go and add so many daily bounties that REQUIER WINNING?! Seriously, who thought that was a good idea?! I've been playing with randos for over an hour and I can't get a single damn win because I keep getting matched against full teams.


Seriously though, these are exactly the kinds of silly, poorly thought-out little things I was talking about in my earlier post. Bungie creates this fun monthly event, features this great team-based game mode, gives us a bunch of sweet gear to buy, then goes and tarnished the whole experience with these little problems that compound each other.

They go and tarnish the "great team-based mode" by not making it easy enough to win playing solo? Gee, I can't imagine.

That's not actually what I said at all. My complaint is not "it is too tough for solo players to win". My complaint is that they add a secondary method for players to rank up that isn't dependant on winning (bounties), then twist that method so that it too requires winning.

I just got thrown in to 4 JIP matches in a row, on to the losing (and still short handed) team each time, against full 6-man-party enemy teams. And I can't make any progress because the 2 bounties I'm still holding require a win.

"Don't play if it's not fun". I know, that's the golden rule. But I HAVE to play if I want to buy that fusion rifle, and I won't have time later, and I won't have time to play again before the event ends.

You don't HAVE to want that fusion rifle. This is why I don't play IB. I had to play crucible to get some of the weapons I wanted and I may have complained while doing it, but there's a difference between complaining about something you don't like or enjoy and asserting that it constitutes a design flaw by the developer.

Obviously I don't "have to want it". I'm not a psychopath. But I looked at it and said "hey that's cool, I'd like to play Iron Banner anyway and that looks like a great piece of gear to work towards". I played Iron Banner all week with friends, having a blast, but on my last day I needed to go solo. That's when I found myself stuck in a situation where I simply could not progress because of the nature of the activity combined with the specific bounties available. All I needed to hit rank 5 was 1 win OR 1 bounty... But the only 2 bounties left required a win. Thanks to matchmaking, that took me almost 2 hours to get. That absolutely is a design flaw.

You all know how much I freaking love this game, but stuff like this drives me nuts. Its 2 steps forward, 2 steps back with Destiny.

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