
I think I have a problem . . . (Games you play too much) (Gaming)

by Kahzgul, Monday, July 11, 2016, 05:44 (2853 days ago) @ cheapLEY

A long time ago I made a promise to myself that I wouldn't buy a new game until I finished another game. This promise has saved me hundreds, if not thousands of dollars. Generally speaking, by the time I finish game A, game B has already been the free game on Xbox Live Gold or PSN+, so I spend no money at all on it. Even if it's not free, it's several months old and I'm paying a hugely discounted rate.

Games I'm playing right now:

- Destiny. PvP is still fun for me. There's room for improvement, but overall it's a good time.
- Lego Batman 3: I just got this for $17.50 including all xpacs from the xbox live gold sale. My kid loves it, so this is the "tide me over" game until No Man's Sky comes out next month.
- The Crew (free from XBL Gold). I didn't expect to like this since most sim-esque racing games make me sad, but I really enjoy it. Fun game. It does make me wish someone would take that same engine and make an updated "Autoduel" however. Fuckin' A that would be excellent.
- Fallout 4. This is my current "Must beat to buy another game" game. So freaking long though, and the combat really isn't that interesting after a point. Fallout: NV was great, and I'm sad that the Fallout 4 quests and stories aren't nearly as interesting.
- Hand of Fate (Free from XBL Gold a while back). This game is so incredibly well done that I'm 100% for certain purchasing the sequel when it comes out. Really really fun. I've already beaten it, but I still enjoy going back and finishing the expansion challenges and whatnot.

The last games I paid full price for were The Division (done with this game. It was fun until max level, and then got really bad really quickly) and before that, seriously, Destiny. I haven't paid full price for a game other than those. I'll likely be paying full for No Man's Sky next month, and that'll be about it for a while. I'm not sold on the new Destiny xpac. Black Gjallerhorn feels awfully gimmicky to me; if the best thing you can say about your game is you have a black version of an already existing gun, then your game isn't very interesting.

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