
TLDL? (Destiny)

by dogcow @, Hiding from Bob, in the vent core., Friday, June 09, 2017, 18:36 (2525 days ago) @ Cody Miller

Supposition: D2 will allow dual wielding side arms, 1 kinetic, 1 elemental.

Edit: they don't say or suggest that there will be dual wielding sidearms, there was just something they said that made me think there's a chance.

That worked out great for Halo 2 :-/

Like I said, it's a supposition, who knows. This much I know, in some pre-alpha build you could run 2 sidearms, 1 kinetic slot, 1 elemental slot, no mention was made of dual wielding them. Why would you use that setup? I don't know, but Luke(?) said he had fun with it though (IIRC).

Regarding dual wielding in H2, IMHO, it was fun if you had the right 2 weapons in hand, but if you didn't & only had 1 it sucked, you were only 1/2 as powerful as someone who had 2. Could it be balanced in this day & age? I believe it could be, but you'd have to do something drastic to make it work, cut firing rates in 1/2 or absolutely destroy the accuracy of the weapons, or something icky like that.

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