
TLDL? (Destiny)

by Cody Miller @, Music of the Spheres - Never Forgot, Friday, June 09, 2017, 19:19 (2525 days ago) @ dogcow

Regarding dual wielding in H2, IMHO, it was fun if you had the right 2 weapons in hand, but if you didn't & only had 1 it sucked, you were only 1/2 as powerful as someone who had 2. Could it be balanced in this day & age? I believe it could be, but you'd have to do something drastic to make it work, cut firing rates in 1/2 or absolutely destroy the accuracy of the weapons, or something icky like that.

The tradeoff in Halo 2 was ostensibly that you gave up grenades and melees, but that didn't really end up being balanced after all is said and done.

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