
Bugs and UI issues - please post what you've found (Destiny)

by Kahzgul, Thursday, September 14, 2017, 10:59 (2424 days ago)

So IMO as a former professional game tester, Destiny 2 is pretty damn solid. I'm thoroughly impressed and it feels like the sort of veteran work I expect from Bungie (unlike D1, which felt like a first effort to me).

There are, however a couple of bugs I've run into. There's probably others, so please feel free to post here if you've found some. I find a bug list is always helpful. Also I have a UI gripe which I'll list here because, frankly, I'd have emailed the programmers every day of my testing life until this was fixed back in the day.

- UI Issue: You cannot view challenges while "glimmer earned" is shown on the right hand side of the screen. This is awful. The time I want to see how many more vandals I need to kill is immediately after I have just killed a vandal. Oh, but I can't, because I earned 10 glimmer. So annoying.

- Bug (I'm on PS4): Sometimes loading into the tower takes 10 minutes or longer. During this time the screen is completely black, but you can hear all of the sounds of the tower. You can still access your inventory, but cannot return to orbit or access the director. Once the game finally loads in, none of the vendors will appear when you are trying to talk to them.

- Bug: there is a spot in Firebase Hades in the ducting where you can fall through below the pipes and cannot escape. You will need to abandon your current quest and fast travel elsewhere in order to escape.

- Bug: During the raid, it is possible to fall through the floor in the central room of the baths. I have only had this happen once, and it was when using my arcstrider jump attack. The spot was about halfway between the central plate and the bottom most pool.

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