
Ragashigo's post is super important. (Destiny)

by CruelLEGACEY @, Toronto, Monday, October 23, 2017, 08:31 (2390 days ago) @ Cody Miller

So yeah, you could be like Speedracer and pay 40 bucks for an ornament. He seems fine with that. But the game is designed for any particular ornament to be frustrating to get. THAT is the problem. The game could easily be made so that obtaining ornaments is not only fun, but you can specifically choose which ones you want to earn.

That's the part I find indefensible... I would actually be more likely to buy a few items from the eververse from time to time if I could easily buy the exact one I wanted for a set price. But they had to go and add the layer of RNG into the mix, buying who knows how many engrams until you happen to get the amount of dust that you need to buy the item. It's BS. Is it easy for the player to avoid? Absolutely. But that doesn't make it a good policy. I'm honestly a bit shocked at the mental lengths some people are going to defend Destiny's microtransactions. To be clear, I'm not making a big deal out of Destiny 2's microtransactoins... I'm saying that the way they are implemented is clearly, obviously, designed to wring more money out of players than they would spend if given a straightforward marketplace. It's not the worst example of in-game microtransactions out there, but it is logically impossible to look at the eververse shop as it exists, and argue that it is designed to be a fair and player friendly marketplace. At best, it can be described as being Bungie's attempt to find the point of "as exploitative and manipulative as players will tolerate".

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