
In my defense.... (Destiny)

by ZackDark @, Not behind you. NO! Don't look., Monday, October 23, 2017, 14:21 (2389 days ago) @ Cody Miller

See, in Israel all movies have an intermission. Every single one! Even a 90 minute Rom Com. Whether the film maker wanted it or not. The purpose? To sell more consessions. People buy stuff during not the intermission. But this makes the movie worse. Practically all films today are designed to be seen in one go. An intermission kills the experience unless the film was crafted with one in mind.

Huh. De-railing a bit because I found this way intriguing. When I went to Germany earlier this year, instead of pushing these mid-movie, the trailer/ad session before the movie (and after the ticket time) was literally 40-minute long, after which a dude with a huge box came into the room and sold ice cream and sweets. It was pretty surreal, but stopping a movie midway sounds even more so.

Anyone ever heard of odd practices like these?

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