
Lllllllllet's play! (Gaming)

by Funkmon @, Monday, December 04, 2017, 10:56 (2343 days ago) @ Ragashingo

This is another let's play nobody should watch. I recorded my first time. I plan on doing it twice when the game finishes later, trying other things.

I thought this episode was better than the first one, despite being mostly filler. It kind of speaks to what I like, I think. A lot of people will listen to Avril's first 3 albums and think they're great, but her other stuff is filler level. I like Avril's filler. I don't need shit to flow. I like LIS, and basically couldn't care less what I am doing.

Principal's office: If I see backtalk, I do it. Chloë always leaves Blackwell, suspended or expelled. Rachel always plays Prospero, by hook or by crook.

Parking lot: there are a lot of variations to this scene. I don't mind Elliot. He's just a guy, and remember that high school friendships and relationships can go quickly, with nary a reference. I've had friends for years who have never heard of the woman I had most recently dated (also for a long time) prior to being their friends. Some people just don't bring that stuff up.

Truck: many many variations of the truck, iirc. I used a putting green as my mat.

Play: I encouraged Nathan and his admirer. Maybe she'll be good for him. I drugged Victoria, and winged it during the play using barely paid attention to lines from the game and barely remembered lines from the play.

Dinner: I spent a long time exploring. I like that house.

After dinner walk: I'm playing a friendship game. No romance. I have feelings about this expressed in the much better let's plays people should watch that Blackstar did where me and Jilly argued constantly over if Chloë liked girls. We still agreed to run away.

We don't know over how much time the third episode takes place. If only a day or so, all the Frank boning and Rachel murdering may happen off screen, later. NBD. I think this is likely considering these games, and famously The Tempest, obey the Unity of Time. I consider this noteworthy because Shakespeare famously did not obey the Three Unities, and only The Tempest (and Comedy of Errors, but that hardly counts) adheres to the Unity of Time.

I don't have much interest in rejoining Chloë and Max. I think their story is done and they have made their past relationship fairly clear. I may be surprised, but right now it's not something to which I look forward a great deal.

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