
Subnautica (+Elite Dangerous) (Gaming)

by cheapLEY @, Sunday, February 18, 2018, 15:40 (2267 days ago) @ Phoenix_9286

I forgot to mention last night, it's very much a game where using external resources is not just a good idea, but advisable. Make friends with EDDB, Inara, and Coriolis. They're invaluable community resources.

Thanks for the posts. It's definitely something I'm going to consider.

Subnautica has a demo, so I downloaded that and will be giving it a try. I'm going to watch a few videos about Elite Dangerous.

It's one of those games that looks extremely cool, but I just worry about whether it's actually "fun" or not, and that's hard to determine without playing it. Despite trying really hard not to sometimes, I tend to need a bit more direction in my games. I love things like Minecraft and Starbound, Rimworld, lots of different sandbox games, but I find myself getting a bit bored of them quicker than I anticipated. I'm afraid Elite Dangerous will end up the same way. But I'm also a sucker for flying cool spaceships. I loved Rebel Galaxy for what it was. I know it's entirely different, but it seems like it sort of hints at a tiny portion of what Elite Dangerous could be like.

If I end up buying it, I'll make a post on here looking for wingmates for sure.

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