
Elite Dangerous and other miscellaneous. (Gaming)

by cheapLEY @, Tuesday, February 27, 2018, 20:38 (2258 days ago) @ Phoenix_9286

Welcome to Elite Dangerous. Fighting the controller is par for the course at first. You haven't lived until you're performing a flawless docking run, go to lower your landing gear... and then boost for the ass end of the spaceport.

You just had to jinx me.

I spent the last two hours flying some guy all over the galaxy on his tour. Got all the way back to the starting station to land and collect my 3 million credits . . . tapped B instead of holding it down and boosted into the back of the station and blew up. It's a testament to how much I like the game that I didn't immediately chuck my controller out the damn window.

Also, the update today is neat. It now has voice over of the Galnet stuff that you can access while flying around. It's text-to-speech rather than an actual voice over, but it sounds alright, and it's allowed me to engaged with that stuff where I really didn't before, and that's cool.

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