
After 1 week of Warmind, I'm looking forward to... (Destiny)

by cheapLEY @, Tuesday, May 15, 2018, 08:24 (2183 days ago) @ ManKitten

1. Dat Shader! I saw a video of level 7 completion of Escalation Protocol and they were awarded black and orange shaders! I don't think I've been part of a group that is yet to beat the level one boss so I'm looking forward to getting stronger and earning that shader.

I was part of a group of randos last night that just missed taking the Ogre down. We needed an extra five seconds and we’d have had him. It’s odd—I hate that the raid lair is locked away behind such a high level requirement, but I love that Escalation Protocol is.

2. Dat ships and sparrows! So far, I'm happy with the variety I've seen in the new ships and sparrows.

I love that we’re seeing more design variety in the ships and sparrows. Now if they would just bring back good Hunter cloaks. Ana Bray’s cloak looks like something we could have had in D1. How come none of the player cloaks look anywhere near that good?

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