
Destiny 2 Dev Update - Rewards (Destiny)

by ManKitten, The Stugotz is strong in me., Tuesday, December 08, 2020, 09:00 (1272 days ago) @ breitzen

Blog Post

TL;DR from Assistant Game Director Joe Blackburn -

While we still are hard at work on improvements to how we rotate gear out of the Destiny Power ecosystem (what gear you can infuse to max Power), there were a few clear-cut misses with our first rollout.

  • The initial reward pool with this release was just too small.
  • It's frustrating to be playing Destiny and see another player use a weapon that is no longer obtainable in game.

I’m going to spend a lot of time talking rewards, but before we deep dive, let's get the TL;DR out there. These are the big commitments we’re making today.

  • With each season in Year 4, Destiny 2 will grow the overall Power ecosystem for weapons.
  • With very few exceptions, all weapons you can take to the Power cap should still be earnable in game.
  • Future annual releases will contain more new weapons to collect than Beyond Light or Shadowkeep.

Ooh Crossplay. Will we finally get some true faction wars pitting different consoles against each other? That would be fun.

I'm intrigued by the Appearance Management screens. Would be nice to have a Guardian that actually looks cool instead of a garbage monster like I've had the past 3 years.

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