
Regarding Armor: (Destiny)

by cheapLEY @, Tuesday, December 08, 2020, 15:17 (1272 days ago) @ breitzen

We envision a better solution for how armor intersects with Infusion Caps. The personality of armor comes from mods right now, so gaining a new piece of armor often means just trying to find a piece of armor that replicates the stat allocation you already have on a piece in your vault. While we are not ready to talk concretely about armor plans right now, we do want to get more gameplay novelty on armor itself so that looting a piece of armor in a new season has the potential to change the way you play.

This sounds bad. I don’t know exactly what they mean, but it sounds like they want to make armor more meaningful, which is the opposite of helping the sunsetting problem. The fact that armor is just stat numbers is the only thing that makes sunsetting bearable, as it means I can just replace my armor as it rolls in with good stat distributions. If armor goes back to having some unique benefits inherent to that piece of armor, it turns into way more of a pain in the ass to deal with.

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